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I know that this will be very cringey and not part of the true stories of True Beauty but in this chapter which entitled Date, I will use my ideal date here and what I want to do if I had a boyfriend (I'M FOREVER SINGLE REALLY.) Hope that you'll like it.

And I was thinking of partnering Sujin with someone...Anyways~



 "A horror movie date night? On school week?" He asked again. " 

We're at the cinema and I wanted to watch a horror movie with him, but he seems like he would refuse. "If you don't want to watch it then don't--" 

"Wait...don't come to me when you got scared. Deal?" He said. "Oh please, I grew up watching movies like this." I replied.

"You grew up? You're several inches shorter that me." H e said while leveling my height and laughing. "Aish...shut up."

I was really scared, I wanted to look tough but here I am not looking straight at the screen. I check on Seojun and he seems fine...Though he's a bit pale... Which made me chuckled.

"What are you looking at?" He said. "Nothing, nothing..." I replied while smiling. There was a sudden jumpscare and I hid my face on his shoulder. "What a scaredy-cat..." He teases then another jumpscare happen again and now he is the one hiding behind me. "Who's the scaredy-cat now huh Seojunie~" I mocked him.

"The movie was none sense!" He said. "It's not, you just didn't understand the plot!" I said. We ate dinner at Subway and played a little bit in the mall's arcade before it closes. "Bullseye!" Seojun perfectly target the cups and won. "What price would you like?" The mas asked.

He looks at me then looked back. "I want that couple necklaces!" He said happily.

It was almost 10 pm and we needed to go home since there was school tomorrow. We suddenly came across the gangsters, they were laughing but stopped when they saw us, Seojun went infront of me and held my hand just in case.

They walked pass us and Seojun let me go. "I'll bring you home now..." I nodded. 

As we stopped in my house, I gave back his helmet and fix my hair. "Shouldn't you...Stop riding your bike?" I asked. "Ah...I'll stop tomorrow then." He replied. "For you I'll stop." He smiled. I blushed but hid it. "You go rest and stop overthinking...I'll see you tomorrow." He said an patted my head. "Okay..." I replied. 

He left and I danced like crazy. "Potek bakit ako kinikileggggg????" I shouted. "What're you doing?" I froze and saw Suho. "Wala---I mean nothing." I fixed my clothes. "So, you're dating him now?" He walk towards me. "Looks like it. How about you? What're you doing here?" I asked. 

"Jookyung...She still ignores me..." He looked down. "Ahhhh...Don't worry, just don't give up on her." I ruffled his hair. "Talk to her now." I pointed at her house.

Mom was having a online meeting with her co-workers while Ken is having an online class in College. I don't know when he will comeback to America but it's nice to have him around.

As I changed my clothes I went to bed. I stared at the ceiling because I cannot sleep and the reason is the horror movie. I'm like this since I was a child, I would dare mom to watch horror movie with me but she'll sleep in the middle part of the movie while I was left alone and got scared to sleep at night.

I opened the lights of my room, look under my bed and close my curtains. I sat on my bed while looking around. I was so scared that I hug my knees and feel like there's a ghost inside my room.


I almost shouted but I realized that it was just my phone. Without checking the caller ID, I answered. "I almost had a heart attack because of you!" 

"Bo? Wait...Are you okay? Where's your inhaler? I thought you're home where's your mother or brother? Do you need to go to the hospital?" Then Seojun was the one who called.

"You rapped faster than AgustD..." I sighed. "Why'd you call?" I asked and lay down. "I- I can't sleep and this is your fault!" He said and I laughed. "Yah! Stop laughing."

"Don't worry I can't sleep either..." I said. "What do we do?" He asked. "Hmmmm...I don't really know...I don't know what to topic, should we talk about school or our messed up lives?" I chukled. 

"I choose the messed up lives, school's boring..." He laughs. "Says who?" I asked. "Says me." He replied.

"I'll go ask you first." I said. "Game." Seojun said. 

"What's your connection to...Se Mi and the other gangsters?" I heard him sigh on the other line. "Well...Let's just say that they're bad influence, and there was this money thing and stuffs."

"Ahhh.." I replied. "My turn...Remember the camping? Jookyung asked if there is someone you like, then you said no...Why? But Suho told me that you like me..." I can sense that he is laying down too.

"Well...You like Jookie that time and you care for her so much that I don't want to you know...Join the love-triangle you and Suho have." I replied. He didn't say anything so, I proceed to ask some questions. "How'd you know that Sujin was the one who posted the video?" 

"It's part of my instinct." He jokes. "Instinct my ass...Part of your instinct but you went to Yeonpa to confront Se Mi?" I asked sarcastically. 

"It's her fault, she was the one who went to Jookyung's house...How could I not find that suspicious?"

"Oh, did you know that Suho knew that it was Sujin?"

"Eh? How'd he react?"

"Well...Mad ofcourse that he ripped all the posters of Jookyung's face with drawings..."

"I did the same though...I couldn't imagine Sujin doing that...I hope that Jookyung's okay..."

I looked at the time and it was almost 12:00 am. "Yah, are you asleep?" He asked. "Not yet...But I think we should sleep now since there's school tomorrow."

"Right...Should we end the call?" He asked.

"Hmmmm...What if we don't?" I replied. "I like that idea..." He mumbled.

"Seojunie~" I closed my eyes. "Ne?~" He said. "Can you sing for me to sleep? It's okay if you don't want too..."

"Ofcourse, I'll sing."

After several minutes, I went to sleep.


"You're dating Han Seojun?" It was morning and I was eating breakfast with Ken-oppa and Mom. I nodded. "You should invite him here, then." Mom clapped her hands. "I'll cook." Ken said while his mouth is still full. "Aish, mom...You'll threaten him and Ken...Find yourself a girlfriend first." I said. 

"Ouch...You're too mean." Ken pouted. "Well, truth hurts." I winked at him. "Then, what are you doing here? Aren't he supposed to pick you up?" Mom asked. 

"Well, school starts at 8:30 am, I told him to pick me up at 8:00 and it's only 7:50 in the morning." I answered while checking my phone. "Actually he looks like a good boy, the last time I saw him he looks very kind taking care of his mom and sister." Mom said happily.

 I nodded while eating my rice. "He's like a guy who doesn't get into fight." Mom said and Ken and I chocked in the same time.

"Are you two okay?" Mom asked worriedly. "Yes...Ehem..We're fine mom..." I replied while coughing. "Yes...Han Seojun is that type of guy, a good boy." Ken sarcastically said.

Seojun came to our house in time. "Oh, Seojun you're still handsome!" Mom squeled and I face-palmed. Seojun just played along. "Morning" Ken said to him. "Morning Bro." Seojun replied and they both fist-bumped. 

Seojun didn't brought his bike so, we took the bus. The bus was crowded, Seojun was behind me protecting me from pervs that took pics because I'm wearing a skirt and the bus was a bit shakey. 


The others makes it a big deal that I'm with Seojun and that he is dating me. As usual Chorong is cheering for us. Suho was not yet inside the room so I'm just scrolling through my feed, ignoring Su-ah and Sujin. 

I went to the bathroom and made face-to-face with Jookyung's bullies. 

"I heard Jookyung went to school with no make-up on."

"But, did you think she's really dating Suho, I saw her earlier and she uglier than the photos."

They even made Suho's life their topic which made me more mad. 

"Who would date her?"

They were startled when they saw me. They make way when I went to wash my hands, I looked at myself in the mirror and they tried to escape. "Wait." I said. I walk towards them and they flinched. "Oh, look at you all being scared." 

"W-We're not scared, you're lucky Seojun is buying your stories." She said. "It's fine...Throw all your hate on me but..."

I walk closer to her face. "You know my past right? If you don't take back what you said about Jookyung and Suho...You'll have to come through me..."


Jookyung speak up against the bullies and Suho hugged her infront of everyone. I threw a thumbs up on Suho when he I caught his eye in the crowd. 


I received a text from Soojin wanted to talk to me in private, I don't know if I should agree to meet with her or should I not. "Who you texting?" I almost threw my phone when I heard Seojun's voice behind me. "N-No one..."

We're back at the classroom as usual. "Are you sure that it was no one?" He asked while sitting infront of me. "Well, not so sure...It's just..." I gulped while he stares at me waiting for the answer, he suddenly took off a strand of hair on my face and I was left with my mouth opened. "You were saying?" He said, before I could speak, the professor arrived.

I planned to sneak my way out of the classroom but Seojun went somewhere so, I use that advantage to escape. Soojin and I met inside an old room beside the music room. "What do you want?" I asked her. "Your forgiveness..." She answered. 

"I...I was hurt when you sided with Jookyung instead of me, I'm really sorry for what happened..." She continued.

"Aren't you sorry for Jookyung too?" I asked but she just stared at me. "Can't you understand? She---" She said.

"Soojin, I don't know you anymore...You used to be very protective of your friends and now, you destroyed your friendship with Jookyung because of a boy?" 

"If you only knew what is happening to me right now---"

"I don't know, that's the problem...and I don't care anymore, what you did is still wrong, fighting over boy---" I stopped talking and got shivers in my spine because of her next movement.

She suddenly laughs. "I feel bad for you, I heard that you're with Seojun. He was all over heels to Jookyung, you think you're on the same level as her?" She walks towards me.

"You and I are the same, loved, abandoned, used, abused and both loves a guy who loves Jookyung..." She said. "You and I are not the same, I don't betray my friends." I replied.

"You may be with him right now but, let me tell you...First loves always wins and who is Seojun's first? Lim Jookyung." She said. 

"You want my forgiveness? Earn it." I walked out of the room and stopped infront of the music room, I dropped my phone when I saw Seojun with Jookyung.

"You may be with him right now but, let me tell you...First loves always wins and who is Seojun's first? Lim Jookyung."

𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now