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 "Where's Jook-yung?" I asked Sujin and Su-ah. "She maybe at the hallway..." Su-ah answered, I nodded and went there, I saw Seojun and Jook-yung talking. Seojun is surrendering his keys to Jook-yung.
"You can take it." He said. "What...W-Why?" Jook-yung asked. "I have decided taht from now on, I'll only listen to you..." He tossed her the keys and walked away. "Y-Yah! Seojun-"

Suho appeared and grabbed Jook-yung. "Wait." He spoke. "B-But...why? Do you need something?" She asked. "Why...why is the sky blue?" He asked with a poker face.

Aigoo...he's so awkward and random....

"Why the sky is blue...?" She repeated. I chuckled and just went inside the classroom. I lay my head on my desk. "Yah." Seojun tapped my head and I looked up at him. "What?" I asked. "Where's Jook-yung?" He asked.

Bruh, wtf...really?

I rolled my eyes and pointed at the door. Jook-yung entered then Suho behind her. Seojun walk towards Jook-yung's desk and Suho sat beside me. "The sky is blue because every color is absorb except blue, our eyes is somewhat sensitive to the color blue. That's why the sky is blue." I told Suho who was speechless. "I heard you asking that to Jook-yung a while ago." I added. "Then you're not dumb as I thought you were...." He said.

"Take your keys back." Our attention went to Seojun and Jook-yung. "Nah, you don't want me riding that bike anyways. Now, take this, I bought it on my way here." He placed a mango juice on her table and walked to his chair and sit. "Eh? I like the strawberry flavor more." She said and Seojun's smug smile dropped, we all laughed at his sudden action. The class started and ended.

We're all at the cafeteria, Su-ah is about to sit beside Jook-yung but Seojun pushed her using his hip and sat beside Jook-yung. I sighed. Su-ah just sat in a different chair. "You want to sit with us?" Chorong asked me as I was just standing. I turned my gaze to them and saw Seojun staring at Jook-yung while eating so, I agreed to sit with Chorong. "Yah Kyla-ssi, sit with us." Hyun-gyu said. "Ani...I'm allergic to germs. " I responded and looked at Seojun.

"So, it hard running errands for Seojun?" Chorong asked again. I shook my head. "Wah, you're amazing. We always tired...I'm jealous." I just gave him a smiled and started eating. "From now on, I'll start listening to you." Seojun said while being cute infront of Jook-yung. "Really? Then, get lost." Jook-yung snapped back. I chuckled loudly that Seojun lightly kicked my leg. Su-ah and Sujin laughed. "I'll do everything except that." He answered, Chorong and his friends cheered for him. "Yeah, he'll do everything for you!~"

"Then don't talk to me." Jook-yung said. "I can't do that either." He answered again. "Are you kidding me?" Jook-yung sighed and started eating.

"You're wasting this..." He said and ate one of Jook-yung's Tonkatsu. "Yah, I was saving that for last!" Jook-yung whined. "Oh, okay...yah bring her some Tonkatsu." He ordered Chorong and the others, they all stood up with 3 trays of Tonkatsu, I faced palmed. "There, eat more so that you'll grow up." He flashed a smile. Jook-yung sighed and bowed down that her hair is in her food, Seojun prevented her hair to dipped in the soup. "Don't eat your hair." Some girls started to clicking pictures.

Jook-yung just kept eating while I keep stabbing my Tonkatsu repeatedly. "K-Kyla...are you planning to murder someone?" Chorong is staring at my food I just give him a awkward chuckle.

Yes...I'm planning to murder Seojun.

"My motor is parked infront of your house~" at the moment Seojun said that, Jook-yung accidentally spit out the food from her mouth to Seojun's face. Everyone gasp but Sujin, Su-ah and I laughed. "M-Mianhe..." She said and tried to took off the food from his whole face and hair. "It's fine." Seojun said. "Good job Jook-yung-ah~" Sujin added. "Yah, crazy-monkey...stop laughing and get me some tissues." I stood up and Chorong gave me some. "Excuse me." Seojun walked out of the cafeteria his gang and I followed him, he stopped near the boys bathroom.

𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now