Chaos: Hurts so Bad

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I was researching the brand of helmet Seojun has and where could it possibly be sold in an app. "I was running errands..." I replied. "For who?" She asks. "For Seo- I meant Sem, teacher." That was close.

I should ask Juyoung. What app did he use?

Jook-yung called and told me her mom asked me to come over to her parlor and invited me over dinner. My mom and I arrived. "Ah, ajhuma, I'm here~" I brought some rice cake. "You shouldn't have, you're too kind." She patted my head. Mom and Mrs, Lim greeted each other. "Oh, what a pretty child. Where are you from?" A lady asked, she was kind of pale. I smiled. "I'm from Philippines." I replied and bowed at her. "She's at the same school as Jook-yung." Mrs Lim said. "Oh, then, you must've met my son Han Seojun?" My eyes widened. "Maybe, Kyla do you knew him?" My mom asked.

Is she the mother of Seojun?!!!!

"S-Seojun, Han Seojun?" I asked again. "Crazy-monkey?" Seojun suddenly appeared behind his mom. Then there was a loud thud which was the one and only, queen of embarrassment, make-up queen-bee, my friend...Lim Jook-yung. She slid down with a broken bed from the stairs...and, with a face mask on. Seojun laughed and started taking pictures while I blocked Jook-yung. "Gwenchana?" She nodded. I brushed off her clothes. I tried to break the awkward atmosphere. "Ah, mom, I'll just help Jook-yung fixed her self, okay." I pulled Jook-yung's arm and ran upstairs.

"Why are you like this? Stop embarrassing yourself!" I scolded her while wiping the mask off. "You're right, I'm such an embarrassing loser friend~" She yelled and started crying. "Oh, Jookie...I didn't mean it like that..." I said, trying to stop her from crying.

"You're son is so handsome." My mom said. I almost chocked on my food. "Are you okay? Do you need a water Kyla?" Mrs. Lim said. "What's wrong with you?" Mom asked as she slowly helped me drink water. Seojun gave me a glare. Jook-yung secretly laugh. "Kyla is really good in school I'm so jealous, it's like beauty and brains." Mrs' Lim complimented me again. "Jook-yung is always lazy, she only have the beauty, not the brain." Seojun chuckled. "She even go to blind dates..." Mrs. Lim's eyes widened. "Bo?! Lim Jook-yung!" She shouted.

"Seojun still ride his motor." Jook-yung pointed at Seojun. Seojun's mom gasp.

"She always has low grades in quizzes!"

"He always sleep in class!"

"She agreed to make some errands for one of our classmate!"

Let's just say that the night didn't end well for Jook-yung and Seojun. Seojun gave me his number because tomorrow is the day that I will be running errands for Seojun, it's my 1st time doing that, my classmates are always scared of me cause I look like a could beat the shit out of them all. Well, I think the world changed nowadays. I'm busy doing homeworks when my phone buzzed. "He really is annoying..." It was Seojun.


-Han Seojun 🙄

>Yah! Crazy-monkey, you still alive?

<Ani, this is her ghost. 

>Whatever, meet me at my motor's parking lot and reserved a table in the cafeteria for me tomorrow.

<You're wish is my command. 


"Ahhh can I die now?" I sighed. Tomorrow comes and I woke up early, I told Jook-yung that I'll be coming to school earlier and that she doesn't need to come with me. I'm waiting at the parking lot scrolling through my feed. I heard a  loud engine noise and knew it was Seojun. He took off his helmet. "You're good." He said and thumbs up at me. "Nice helmet." I said. "I still like the other one." He climbed off of his motor. "I have a lead for your helmet." I replied smiling. "Woah...I can say I amazed, you're more easy to talk to than Jook-yung." He give me his bag. "Carry this." I rolled my eyes and grabbed it, he walk away but looked back at me. "Kaja." He added.

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