Heart to heart

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I loved him.

A cry, stronger than the others, called me out of this dream world. As foreseen, Sophie's lips were blue. So I called it quits, and we all set to work to get our stuff together. I washed my little princess with the hot water jerrican I always stored in my car, and dressed her with a new – and dry – dress.

Lucas watched my little routine intently, probably storing information for later. He always observed, learnt me, just like I analysed his mannerism and his life to better blend in.

- "Hey, Elena. Can I grab a ride with you?"

Surprised, I turned to Marcus, only to exchange a look with his father. Lucas opened his hands discreetly, as if to say 'suit yourself'.

- "Sure," I responded, wondering what this was about.

My response caused Sophie to gasp, and I whirled around to find her thoroughly appalled.

- "What is it?", I asked, worried to find such an expression on her face.

- "But ... if Marcus comes in our car, Lucas is going to be left all alone!"

The grin that spread on my face couldn't be contained. This was my Sophie, so gentle and caring. It was little wonder she had taken a liking to Lucas. My companion came to my daughter's side, eyes twinkling in delight, and soothed her fears.

- "Do not worry, I don't feel abandoned."

- "But it is not right!" she said, barely refraining from stomping her foot. "I want to ride back with you then."

Her angst was turning into distress, so I exchanged a quick look with Lucas. His face was guarded, his emotions a turmoil. For a moment, I didn't understand why.

Until it hit me like a freight train.

Sophie, eleven years old, wanted to be alone with a man who had been accused of being a sexual predator. And that accusation still hung upon his shoulders; the result of a whole village shunning him.

So I just shrugged, and reached for his hand.

- "Do you mind? I can drop Marcus at your place, and get Sophie back. But be warned, she's a handful with her questions. Are you quite ready for that?"

And he understood me perfectly; I wasn't asking if he was ready to handle my daughter, but if he was ready to bypass those prejudices that tarnished his life. A second, suspended, passed where our eyes were locked together. Then, a dazzling smile bloomed upon his face and I stood, utterly floored.

- "I'll be glad for the company," he said. "Come, Sophie, you get to choose the music."

My daughter darted over Lucas' car to settle in the passenger seat, and I watched, mesmerised, as her blond head bobbed in pleasure from the privilege. First meeting and we were exchanging children already.

I smiled, then gave her a small wave before Marcus popped by my side. His blue eyes were a little wary, but not unfriendly. Jon, sprawled on the backseat, ignored us altogether. A typical teenager ... which Marcus wasn't. I started the car, and started to follow Lucas until we ended up on the two lanes, and I lost him in the traffic. It didn't matter; we both knew where we were going. As I drove, I could feel Marcus' hesitation to breach the subject he wanted to. So, in the end, I put him out of his misery.

- "Marcus. What did you want to tell me?"

The teenager snorted.

- "Still quite blunt."

- "If you recall, my bluntness got your dad out of trouble last year."

I could feel, more than see how his eyes studied me as I drove.

- "Is that why you helped him in the first place? Because you wanted to go out with him?"

Ouch. Good point. That kid was going to be such a nightmare! Yet, I couldn't fault him for his reasoning, and chose to be honest without divulging too many details; Jon didn't know about Lucas' part in that fateful case.

- "No," I stated firmly. "I helped him because it was my job. He was innocent, and a good man. My admiration only grew when I saw how he handled it, and the relationship he had with you. If you recall, I left him in peace with Nadja."

- "Ugh! I hated that woman."

I chuckled on the wheel and choose not to comment on my former rival. Who cared who Lucas had banged last year, as long as he was mine now? So, eventually, I prodded his son's mind.

- "Does that put your fears to rest?"

- "I don't know... I just see the way he looks at you."

Perceptive, Lucas' little man. Had he caught my earlier epiphany? Probably not.

- "He's very attached already."

Then, Marcus eventually sighed, unveiling his fears.

- "Don't hurt him, all right?"

I reached for his shoulder and squeezed once.

- "I wouldn't dream of it. People like him are precious."

In the backseat, Jon snorted and Marcus gave him a death glare. Judgement about his dad probably called forth difficult memories, and I stepped in at once.

- "I'm not asking you to like him, Jon. But you will show some respect. Do I make myself clear?"

The tone of my voice caused my son to straighten, eyes wide. It had been a long time I had spoken so sternly, and I could tell he was surprised.

- "Ma..."

I glared at him in the back mirror, passing my message along.

- "Don't Ma me. Lucas means a lot to me, and he has been nothing but nice to you. If you want to hide in your room when he's here, you're welcome to do so. But no scoffing, no mocking, and no glaring."

I could feel how Jon debated; to accept, or to fight back? His pact with Lucas seemed to win the struggle, for he relaxed in the backseat like a pasha in his harem.

- "Ok, ok. Chill, Ma."

- "I'm calm. For now."

I swore I saw Marcus give me an admirative look before my attention returned to the road. Good. Two teenagers won over. Great job, Elena!

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