Chapter 1

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Your POV,

It was too hot and you felt yourself growing sweaty. You glanced at your female seatmate who is having the electric fan all to herself and tapped her shoulder "Aurelia, can you share the electric fan? You look like you're going to shove your whole face into it any minute now." you snapped at her with a glare. She didn't reply but thankfully, she made the electric fan face your direction, not missing the eye roll she made when she faced infront.

Being the class's precious jewel or may I say highest ranking student has its advantages. You belonged in a class filled with fellow smart students which explains why you are called Class-A. But even with all the brains inside these four walled classroom, there will always be the smartest. And that's you. A sigh left your lips when you finally felt the air hit you. You pulled your handkerchief from your pocket and wiped the sweat forming on your forehead and your neck.

You always hated afternoon classes because of the scorching heat from the sun. Unfortunately, you were sitting by the window which made it even worst during afternoons. But what really made you hate afternoon classes were the boring subjects, mainly History and Values Education. Not meaning to offend anyone but History and Values Education always made your eyes tired and want to sleep. You would rather dip your face into a book of mathematical equations than fake your attitude and tell your Values teacher that you would rather give back the fallen 5 dollar bill you found at the mall than keep it secretly.

Everyone in your class and even the teachers admired you for being a responsible student who shows interest in every school activity, but you only had to do most of them because of your parents.  If without them, you would have been the most slacking student in class, only listening when you want to and sleeping the whole day away. Unfortunately it wasn't going to end up that way when they are monitoring you 24/7.

Being in the same school as your parents who are both teachers does suck sometimes but you had to endure it, atleast they give you anything you need. That's another advantage of being the highest ranking student in your class. Your parents takes pride of you so much that they didn't want their precious little jewel to rebel against them, giving you everything you want to have. There was once a time where you felt all the motivation leave your body and your parents almost sucked dry your family's bank account just to buy you anything to keep you motivated in studying.

As you felt drowsiness flood into your system, you are once again reminded that you still have your afternoon classes. Panicked voices of your male classmates could be heard from inside and outside the classroom, all shouting the same thing "Mrs. Park is coming!" This was repeated in every corner of the classroom as everyone tried to tidy themselves and fix their scattered chairs. A few minutes passed after she finally stepped into your classroom with a laptop on her hand and her basket of chalks on the other.

Usually, you would sigh in annoyance when you watch her make her way inside your classroom but instead, you froze on your seat with wide eyes as your sight followed that one boy who's walking behind her.

What is Park Jeongwoo doing here?!

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