Chapter 4

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Your POV,

After finishing your task for the night, you sprawled your tired body on your soft matress. Despite the tiredness, a smile still managed to creep on your lips and soon, you were a squealing mess with your face squished into your pillow. Who would even believe that your biggest crush stole your first kiss? You didn't even have to know how it happened because whatever it may be, it was probably destiny.

Usually, girls would be mad and disappointed that they lost their first kiss to someone they weren't sure would stay with them for life but to you, you didn't mind Park Jeongwoo being your first kiss. Ever since your father said this, you tried your best to hide the smile that was forcing itself on your lips because your parents were around. It was harder to contain your smile when you remembered his wink which again made you squeal into your pillow.

You couldn't move on from that boy's simple gesture that you managed to stay awake and just staring at the ceiling for hours. You glanced to your wall clock and almost cursed when you saw the time. You brought your palms to your face and rubbed your face harshly "12:30 huh. Why are you messing with my head, Park Jeongwoo?" you muttered only to yourself. You still had your pride and would never say that in front of him.

Despite seeing the time, you still couldn't bring yourself to sleep and the urge to ask the boy about what happened flooded your mind. Soon enough, your phone was in your hand while you're searching for a specific person on this social media platform. You took three deep breaths before tapping the add button. To your surprise, your phone dinged which meant that a notification came in.

Park Jeongwoo accepted your friend request.

It took you ten seconds to register the words on your screen before you dove your face into your pillow and screamed your heart out. After a few minutes, you immediately sat up and clicked on the message icon before thinking of a nice way of greeting. Before you could even send the simple 'hello :-)', a chathead appeared showing your crush's profile picture. You kept on staring at his handsome face in the picture that you only realized he messaged you when you heard another notification from your phone.

Park Jeongwoo
• Active Now

Park Jeongwoo
Good evening
Why are you still awake, Ms. Intelligent?

You're messing with my head.
I mean-

Park Jeongwoo
🤣🤣 What did I do that I messed your head?

"Shit shit shit shit shit." you mumbled to yourself after you accidentally sent that. You groaned and tried to think of an excuse when you remembered what you asked your parents earlier.

I'm sorry in advance but my classmate
and I accidentally heard your
conversation with Mrs. Park.
Are you really her son?

Park Jeongwoo
Yes, darling. Mrs. Sour Candy is my mother 🍬

You wanted to laugh from his joke but you also felt flustered from the nickname he gave you. It wasn't an unknown fact that Park Jeongwoo can be a flirt, you already heard this a hundred of times from the girls of class-B in the halls during break time.

Instead, a giggle escaped your lips. You aren't one to socialize so you are stuck staring at his reply "He already answered my question, does that mean our conversation ends here?" As if noticing your late response, another message came from him.

Park Jeongwoo
Did you fall asleep, Ms. Intelligent?

Stop calling me that.
And no, I was doing something.

Park Jeongwoo
But it's true, you are intelligent.
Unless you want me to call you darling?

"Oh, I wish you would." you said jokingly and laughed at your own silliness. Of course he wouldn't hear that, and again, you will never say that to him.

Park Jeongwoo
What even are you doing at this hour that's more important than me?


Park Jeongwoo
Oh, alright.. Continue your work.
Goodnight, Ms. Intelligent 😘

You blushed from the emoji he sent with his reply but you shook your head and convinced yourself that he accidentally sent that without realizing. You were staring at the screen for a few minutes while reading the conversation you just had with him again and again, the 'active now' soon turned 'active 1m ago'.

It happened too fast that you had to calm yourself from squealing once again since it was already midnight and your parents are 100% sleeping already. A smile was fully on display on your lips as you took your almost forgotten night bath, changed into your pajamas, charged your phone then fell asleep.

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