Chapter 5

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Your POV,

Despite only having 5 hours of sleep, you still felt energized when you woke up in morning the next day. Last night's events repeated themselves over and over again in your head and the smile on your face was impossible to hide. You quickly did your morning routine until you were fully dressed in your school's uniform.

You rushed downstairs and headed to the kitchen right away where you saw some slices of bread on a plate along and a warm glass of milk on the table. You knew that your parents only left a few minutes earlier and you are used to this.

Both of them have earlier classes but yours doesn't start until 8am. Your sister seems to also have left since you can't find the same black high heeled shoes she wore last night. Knowing that you are alone, you let the wide smile on your face known to whatever soul is lurking in your house at the moment. You had to be careful around your strict parents after all, and without them, you are free to finally show your emotions. After eating just enough and gulping down the last drop of milk, you brushed your teeth and fixed yourself one last time before taking your things. You looked at every corner to make sure nothing would burn your house while you're gone then went out in a hurry.

After standing at the bus stop for half an hour, you finally found a bus that has no passengers in the near front. You didn't like it at the back because it bounces more there when a bump is present on the road. You found an empty seat by the window and settled down, leaving your backpack at the empty seat beside yours. You then let your mind drift away as the bus driver started the engine, the cold breeze hitting your face letting you know that the vehicle is already moving.

You were so immersed into your daydream of Jeongwoo and you getting married that you didn't notice the bus stopping and this wolf eyed boy standing and glancing at the only available seat which was beside yours "Miss, please remove your bag." the driver's words paused you from your daydreaming and you immediately placed your backpack on your lap without sparing a glance at whoever ruined your 'wedding day'.

You only realized who was sitting beside you when you heard his beautiful chuckle "I didn't know you like riding buses, Ms. Intelligent." you felt your face heat up when you turned your head to the side only to be met by the most handsome man who you saw as your groom just a few minutes earlier.

A gasp left your lips and you immediately looked out of the window, chewing on your inner cheek to prevent the same smile from growing on your lips as you answered "I-i ride the bus everyday. You just don't notice m-me." Once again, you heard the same chuckle from the boy you fell so hard for and saw in your peripheral vision that he was staring at you intently.

"I suppose you don't know that I'm looking for you almost everytime. Hmm, Y/N?"

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