Chapter 2

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Your POV,

Your eyes followed his movement until he was standing in front of the class. You felt your cheeks heat up and you couldn't help but to squeal internally because someone just flipped your day upside down. It was as if the sun's heat wasn't even there "Good afternoon, Class-A." All of you stood in sync as a sign of respect before greeting back your History teacher who smiled sweetly at all of you and asked everyone to sit down.

All of you did what you were told while your eyes stayed glued on a certain boy who's setting up the projector. You watched his every move, how his bangs would often cover his eyes when he looks down yet when you could see his face, your heart would beat as if you ran a thousand miles. No one knew about your little crush on this man and you preferred it that way.

The whole class was silent while watching Park Jeongwoo with his hunched figure, his whole attention focused on his work. Mrs. Park glanced down to the boy beside her, scanning his progress "Are you almost done, son?" she asked. You waited for his response like some gossip deprived neighbor looking for drama. He tapped his fingers gracefully and lightly shrugged his shoulder "A little more, mom..." You weren't sure if it was just how he pronounced 'maam' but you were certain he meant mother.

Your seatmate who probably overheard the conversation seems to agree with your thoughts as the both of you looked at each other in surprise. The class may have missed the exchange of words because you saw their faces absorbed in their History books as if a quiz is coming up "Did you hear that?" She asked you with her pitchy voice in a whisper. You cleared your throat and didn't show any emotion like you always do and faced in front "I did, Aurelia. I'm not deaf." you swore that you saw her glare at you for a second before also facing in front, making you grin but slightly panic internally.

Finally, an enlarged laptop screen displayed itself over the white canvas hanging from the roof of your classroom. Jeongwoo stood straight and leaned on the laptop for a few seconds, tapping some keys until the screen showed a powerpoint presentation "Thank you, son. You may now go back to your classroom." Mrs. Park said while preparing herself to start the class. You watched as Jeongwoo nodded, his eyes of a wolf scanning the whole class-A before his sight landed on yours.

Unconsciously, your eyes widened in surprise. You didn't know what to do and your gaze was frozen unto his. It's as if you were in a cheesy romance drama where the time stops around you two and the only people that mattered at that moment was him and you. You didn't know how long the two of you stared at each other until he suddenly winked at you and looked away as he made his leave.

You couldn't believe what you saw that you had to squint your eyes with your fist, only to see the doorway empty. Your heart started beating fast and the butterflies danced in your stomach after witnessing the heart flattering moment that happend a few seconds earlier. You were so confused but your mind suddenly pushed you out of your thoughts, making you cautiously look around if anyone saw what happened. Thankfully, everyone including Aurelia seemed clueless that you let out a sigh of relief.

Classes flew by in a glance and that was the first time you zoned out in a class because of one particular boy who made you feel things. You went home with the same blank expression plastered on your face but your parents noticed that there was something else about you. You shrugged them off when they said that

"You are glowing today, young lady. What happened?"

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