Chapter 10

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Your POV,

After having your delicious breakfast, you went back to your room and checked the clock. You still had 30 minutes to prepare. You took out your laptop which you rarely use these days and your History books. You decided to review for a while before calling Jeongwoo. Everything is set, your zoom app is open and ready on your laptop and you are pretty comfortable in your seat. After reviewing for a bit, you created a room and sent the link to Jeongwoo when it was already 9:28am. He saw your message and reacted a heart on it which made your own heart beat faster for some weird reason.

Soon enough, you saw Jeongwoo on your screen. He was sitting with his legs crossed on his bed, smiling widely and waving at the camera "Hello (your name)! You look beautiful even on screen." with that simple compliment, a blush blossomed on your cheeks which you covered with a cough "Hello, Jeongwoo. Do you have your History books with you?" you asked then saw Jeongwoo scratching the back of his neck while looking behind the laptop as if searching for something, he looked at the camera again with a shy smile "I don't, I think I left it at the school's lockers. Sorry?"

You had to fight the urge to roll your eyes before nodding "It's okay, shall we start?" You clicked the record button before starting your review. At the first few minutes of your discussion, Jeongwoo was listening intently and actively participating which you were thankful for. Even though he was your crush, you hated it when someone under your responsibility was slacking off. You slowly noticed that he was losing focus, staring at his screen blankly which made you anxious "Hello? Jeongwoo, are you listening? Is there something on my face?" he shook his head and smiled at you "I'm listening, ms. Intelligent. It's just hard not to look at your beauty." you ignored this statement and scolded him for losing focus while trying to hide the smile that was forming on your lips.

Nearing the end of your review, you were too immersed with the lesson and didn't notice the handsome boy falling asleep. You only noticed this when you peeked at your screen and all you could see was his head, along with the soft snores you could hear from the other line. You wanted to wake him up but you can't deny how cute his snores are which sounded like a baby wolf trying to growl. You continued your review as if someone on the other line was still listening. When you finished, you smiled and wished that you could run your fingers through his soft hair at that moment. You fixed your books and stared at the sleeping boy on your screen

"Be thankful that I have a crush on you. Sleep well, mr. wolf."

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