Chapter 3

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Your POV,

Night soon came and you are sitted by the dining table with your parents and your sister who came home from her shift. She is working in a hotel as a manager, in charge of making sure that the guests feels at home. The food your father cooks are always the amazing but today, it tasted better than ever and you didn't know if it was a different recipe or if it was just your mood playing tricks on your taste buds.

While eating, your sister kept on stealing glances at you and smirking from time to time, you were tired of pretending that you don't see her so you kept in mind to point out her attitude on the table. After properly chewing your food, you gave her a raised eyebrow "What?" you asked annoyed and feeling disturbed at her weird expressions.

She chuckled teasingly before lightly punching your shoulder "Is it just me or do you have a boyfriend?" Slowly, you felt all the blood in your body rushing to your face as your cheeks heat up and your brows knitted in annoyance "Of course, I don't! I'm focusing on my studies so shut up." you shouted at her and harshly stabbed the poor chicken on your plate with a fork. Your mother called your name in a warning tone which meant that you watch your mouth in front of the food and behave. You could only glare at your sister who was snickering while eating her own food.

After being teased at the dining table, you sighed in annoyance as your mother called you from your room and told you to wash the dishes saying that your sister was so tired at work and fell asleep after eating. As you wiped the soapy sponge on the plates, your mind drifted back to the memory of your biggest crush winking at you during your History class.

A wide smile slowly formed on your lips which you failed to notice but your parents did. Your creative mind then started making scenarios of you and Jeongwoo being a couple and him introducing you to his parents. Suddenly, you remembered about the conversation that you and Aurelia overheard earlier.

"Mom!" you shouted from the kitchen while busying your hands with the soapy dishes. Your mom immediately answered with a hum that you heard not too far from you, which means that she's just around the kitchen "Do you know Mrs. Park? She's our History teacher who used to sell candies back then." with that said, your mom hummed again as she busied herself with whatever she was doing behind you.

Every student that studied in your school a couple of years back knows that Mrs. Park used to sell candies. It wasn't really a nice treat because it brings a weird expression on your face so students used to call her 'Mrs. Sour Candy'. It became a joke in the student body and you couldn't help but to chuckle at the memory.

"She has a son from Class-B, right?" you asked while the scenario from this afternoon's class played in your head. Your mom appeared beside you as she dumped another dirty dish into the sink which would have made you grumble but the question was still lingering in the air while your mother tried to remember "I think so... Love!" she called for your father who was in the living room. Your father called her back signalling that he was listening "You're handling class-B in math, am I right? Does Mrs. Park have a son there?"

"Yeah, she does. Did you remember that kid who accidentally kissed our Y/N during the teacher's christmas party? They were still 5 years old at that time." he said and added with a laugh "She even gave her son a lecture in front of everyone."

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