Chapter 9

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Your POV,

Finally it was weekend. For other students, it's a day for rest but for you, it was the day that you were supposed to tutor Park Jeongwoo. You woke up early and did your usual morning routine before heading downstairs to have your breakfast when your mother saw you "Why are you so dressed?" you mentally slapped yourself. You forgot to ask for your parent's permission about heading to Jeongwoo's house and you were 100% sure they wouldn't let you.  You let out a sigh "I volunteered to tutor Mrs. Park's son and we agreed to meet at their house on a weekend." just from the look of your mom's face, you were indeed not allowed.

"Go back to your room. First of all, you didn't ask for my permission and now you're going to someone else's house? Change your clothes, no one is going out today." you wanted to argue but you remembered that nothing can change your strict parent's choice. You could only nod and make your way back upstairs to your room with a frown evident on your face. You changed into your pajamas as you tried to form possible excuses before checking on Jeongwoo. After thinking of nothing, you took your phone and tapped your chat with him. You stared at it blankly and a gasp left your lips when you heard a notification sound followed by his message.

Park Jeongwoo
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Park Jeongwoo
Hey, I heard Mrs. (last name) call my mom.
She said you can't go? ☹

I'm really sorry, Jeongwoo.
I forgot to ask permission ahead of time. I only remembered earlier.

Park Jeongwoo
It's okay, don't worry 😂

What do we do now?
By the way, have you eaten?

Park Jeongwoo
I haven't yet, are you concerned ms. Intelligent?
You're making me fall for you, catch me! 😂✌🏻

"How am I supposed to catch you when I already fell first?" you muttered, later cringing at yourself and throwing your pillow to the wall. You ignored what he said and instead thought of an idea when suddenly, something popped in your head.

Do you have a laptop? Can you video call with me there?

Park Jeongwoo
Yeah, I have one.
You're really brilliant. Your future boyfriend must be very very lucky.

You couldn't help but blush at his statement.
You didn't know why he's so flirty but that could probably be one of the reasons why he couldn't answer properly on quizzes, only thinking of flirty words to say to his target. Suddenly, you heard your stomach growl and forgot to go back downstairs for breakfast. Remembering the sunny side up and hotdog you saw on the table earlier, your stomach made another growl and you were sure the food could get cold any moment now.

Okay, good.
I'll call you by 9:30am, I also haven't
eaten breakfast yet.
Prepare yourself then. Bye.

Park Jeongwoo
Bye, ms. Intelligent 😊
Eat a lot, I don't want you getting hungry.

You rolled your eyes at his last reply but you couldn't help the smile forming on your lips

"Stop it, Park Jeongwoo! You're making me fall harder."

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