Chapter 7

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Your POV,

After greeting back to your teacher, she explained about the sudden presence of the three boys from class-B. Hope rose within you and you were determined to help Jeongwoo. Mrs. Park said that these three boys were failing her subject, she also said something about being disappointed of her son. Aside from that, she talked about students in class-A having the highest grades in her class and wanted three people each to tutor the boys. Your classmates groaned to themselves as they readied themselves for the hardest task they could face. You knew why they were acting this way and you would react just like them if not for Park Jeongwoo, your biggest crush.

The boys of class-B are known to be very reckless. Although being in the second highest section, they are not studious or they don't take their classes seriously unlike most of the boys of class-A. Most of them probably got in the second class because of their extracurricular activities, in short, sports. An example of them are these three who showed their strength in the sport Basketball. Your classmates weakly nodded even though they badly wanted to oppose the idea and throw the boys out of the classroom. Even with most of them were disappointed, some were actually excited to teach them just like Aurelia who is currently smiling so wide while staring lovingly at Haruto. You had to look away before rolling your eyes at her lovely gaze. If looks could kill, Haruto would have melted right then and there.

Fortunately for the whole class, the tutoring was voluntary and if no one was willing, Mrs. Park will have to ask the higher years "Let's start with Yang Jungwon. I am aware that you have some friends in this class. Does anybody want to volunteer?" the boy's former bestfriends hurriedly raised their hands with grins and warm smiles on their faces which made Jungwon smile as well. Out of the three boys, you knew that only Jungwon was the easiest to teach. He chose Dohyun who was also another smart student in your class. Haruto was next and to your surprise, many girls raised their hands which made a succesful smirk appear on the tall man's lips. Aurelia was one of them and determination was written on her whole face.

You shouldn't have been surprised since his looks were indeed breathtaking for someone like him. Your History teacher chuckled and mentioned something about the Japanese boy being a 'heartthrob' which Haruto proudly agreed to. Sadly for Aurelia, he was assigned to Wonyoung who looked puzzled because she didn't raise her hand "Excuse me, ma'am. Perhaps I heard you wrong. I didn't raise my hand." she exclaimed with a confused expression evident on her face "I know, Ms. Jang. But I trust that you won't be affected by this young man's face, so I assign him to you." Mrs. Park said that made all the boys laugh. You couldn't help but chuckle silently when you saw Wonyoung turn around to face her bestfriend "I though it was voluntary?!" she exclaimed, careful not to let your teacher. Wonyoung had no choice but to accept it although it was evident on her face that she was annoyed. Lastly, it was Jeongwoo's turn and you didn't know why you were so nervous.

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