Chapter 11

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Your POV,

You wanted the ground to eat you up and never spit you out ever again, wiping your whole existence from the whole planet. It was finally weekdays and Jeongwoo suddenly welcomed himself in your classroom during your breaktime, walking to you with a wide smirk plastered on his face. You were blushing but confused at the same time. Luckily, all your classmates decided that being at the canteen was better today. You questioned him why he was like that "I watched the recorded video of our review that you sent me." you raised a brow at his answer. He then took out his phone and the next thing you heard made all the blood in your body rush to your face if it was possible.

"Be thankful that I have a crush on you. Sleep well, mr. wolf." you heard your ugly voice say from that recorded video. You didn't look at Jeongwoo at that moment and all you wanted to do was cry. Thankfully, your classmates flooded in at the right moment which gave Jeongwoo no choice but to leave the classroom before giving you a worried glance. The classes ended fast that day with you not giving your attention to anything your teachers say. Everyone was starting to feel worried for you because you looked like you saw a ghost by how pale you are. Aurelia even commented that your skin was so cold like a corpse and you wish you were indeed just a corpse at that moment. Your last teacher dismissed your class early, saying that you should visit the clinic or go home with someone.

You shook your head and forced a smile, saying that you are fine before taking your belongings and leaving the classroom with some of your classmates. You headed to your locker to keep the books that you didn't need to bring home when you suddenly felt someone's presence behind you. Upon reaching your locker, you glanced to your side to see the person you least wanted to see that time. Your eyes met his but you immediately broke eye contact "(your name).." you ignored him and opened your locker, pushing the books in then shutting it close before locking it. You were about to turn around and leave when Jeongwoo trapped you in his arms, your eyes widened as you realized how close he was from you now.

He hung his head low and sighed before looking back at you with his beautiful wolf eyes "I don't know why you're ignoring me but if you think I found the video funny, no. I don't." he licked his lips and took a deep breath "I like you too, (your name). So please don't be embarrassed by your confession because it made me happy. It made me so motivated to review harder and make you proud." You could only stare at his face with surprise that you didn't even notice you were holding your breath until a student suddenly appeared at the corridors. Jeongwoo immediately moved away and took out a paper from his bag. He handed it to you and you hesitantly took it. After giving you one last smile, he ruffled your hair and walked away. You glanced at the paper on your hand and finally showed the smile that formed on your lips.

Park Jeongwoo                            History 10
Class-B                                              25/25

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