Chapter 6

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Your POV,

Hours have passed since you've been in the same bus and even sat beside the only man who was able to make your heart race. You still couldn't forget what he said earlier which you repeated in your brain. You laughed to yourself as you remembered the butterflies that danced in your stomach at that moment. You stayed silent the whole ride not because of awkwardness but because Jeongwoo kept on staring at you with a wide smirk plastered on his face. His stare alone was able to drive you crazy and make your brain go fuzzy that you didn't even notice the bus stopping across from your school. Thankfully, Jeongwoo was able to pull you out of your trance without forgetting to stare right into your soul, still with a wide smirk on his face. You wondered what's going on in that handsome man's brain.

It was already lunchtime and luckily, Aurelia was sitting with her bestfriends while having her meal or else she would have thought you were going crazy. You finished your lunch early and now you were only counting the minutes before your History class. You wondered if Jeongwoo will visit your classroom again and did what you always do during your free time, daydreaming. It didn't take long for the bell to ring in the whole campus signalling that lunchtime was over. You envied the younger years because they were given some time to sleep before their afternoon classes but your envy for these kids was soon pushed out of the window when Mrs. Park came in your classroom with only her chalkbox and a few books.

A sigh of disappointment left your lips and you almost decidedto sulked for the whole class when suddenly, three boys with one of them being too familiar to you came inside your classroom. Your classmates started whispering to each other which you could clearly hear, their confusion of why three boys from class-B would suddenly come into your class. All these whispers soon vanished from your hearing when Jeongwoo's eyes laid on yours. You swore you could hear your heartbeat and wondered if Aurelia noticed it by the way she lifted her eyebrows at you "Are you okay? The electric fan's been facing you the whole day. Don't tell me you're still feeling hot." "Wh-what?" she chuckled at you and shook her head slightly before facing in front

"Your face is all red. It's either you are blushing or you have a fever."

Your palms immediately made its way to your cheeks and felt more of the blood rushing to your face. You saw Jeongwoo chuckling to himself in front of your class while watching you and you fought the urge to glare at the said boy who was the reason of this sudden 'fever'. Thankfully, no one from your class noticed the way you and Jeongwoo looked at each other but that doesn't mean the other two boys with him didn't. The first boy named Jungwon who used to be a part of class-A snickered while looking at you and Jeongwoo simultaneously. You knew him because he was your original seatmate before Aurelia but after his grades dropped dramatically, he was moved to class-B. The other boy who you knew as Haruto, the boy who took the title of 'school's heartthrob' for his exceptional looks smirked while nudging your crush's shoulders playfully.

"Good afternoon class-A."

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