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You blink, completely and utterly shocked by Frigga's statement.

"I-I'm sorry, that has to be a mistake. There's no way. My parents are completely human. They're mortals. They died after I-," you pause, staring at the ground. "They died after I lost control and blew up our house. There's no way they- or I- could be Asgardian."

"Were their bodies ever found, Y/N?" Her voice was gentle yet calming, but it did in no way appease the confusion and shock bubbling up inside of you.

You shake your head slightly, swallowing. "Tony looked but there-" It was getting harder and harder for you to speak as your voice continued to break. "There was too much rubble. And everything was in flames. There was no possible way for their bodies to have-"

She places a hand on your shoulder gently. "That confirms it, then. I know this may be hard for you to hear, but your parents- they were simply an illusion. A trick of master sorcery, that disappeared after you first used your powers when you lost control. It is rare for Asgardians to be sent to Midgard as a child, but it has happened. And considering you're a ljós warrior, the only one we've seen in a long time, it makes sense."

You rake a hand through your H/C hair, still unable to properly grasp anything the queen was telling you. "An lj- lj- what kind of warrior? What are you talking about?" Your legs felt like they were made of lead as you slide back against a tall pillar, sitting on the ground. The Einherjar and the rest of the warriors that had fought in the battle had already retreated into the palace.

She sighs. "An ljós warrior, or a warrior of the light. Ancient protectors of Asgard. Their race was thought to be extinct, their rare powers never to be seen again. That's what I thought at least, until I saw you fight. My guess is your birth parents wanted to protect you, protect the last ljós warrior, by sending you to Midgard. It makes sense, since only the most powerful sorcery would be able to cast such an illusion as the one of your mortal parents."

You clench your fists, forcing your hands to stop shaking. "I- This is impossible. I don't understand any of it. Why does my fighting have anything to do with this?"

"You wield the power of the light, dear. A blessed gift of harnessing heat and light and using it with honor and bravery to fight against evil. I haven't sensed powers like yours in a long, long time. But, I know that you have yet much to learn, and much to process before you can truly harness the full extent of your abilities."

You grip a handful of your hair in thought as you lean your head back against the pillar. Steadying your breath, you simply nod before standing up again. "While I'm still in a great deal of disbelief, I'm happy I know the truth. Your majesty." You add quickly on the end.

She smiles. "No need for such formalities, call me Frigga. It's in honor to be in the presence of an ljós warrior after so long, it is I who should be so courteous. You shall stay the night, and we can sort out everything in the morning."

You nod. "Thank you, Frigga. I might take a walk, if I can, clear my head a bit."

"Of course, my dear. When you're ready just signal a servant and they'll take you to your room."

You nod your thanks as she walks back into the palace. Swallowing your emotions, your try your best not to break down as you walk down the steps near the palace into a large garden. It had long lines of rose bushes, only the roses were a sparkling, swirling gold, and tall hedges that made it perfect for hiding in the dark after you'd just learnt your whole life was a lie.

You slide down against a hedge, drawing your knees up to your chest as your brain tries to comprehend the influx of new and shocking information. The leaves rustle as a soft breeze blows through the garden, a few wisps of your hair floating sideways with it. It would be quite the peaceful scene, if not for the overwhelming emotions threatening to take over.

You let out a shaky breath, hugging your knees closer as you fight the urge to cry. It would be stupid, anyway. You should be happy you never actually killed your parents, that the grieving was for nothing. But a part of you felt lied to, felt betrayed. 

"Rough night?" A voice interrupts your thoughts. You turn your head to see the raven-haired man from before, but instead of the green and gold armor, he donned a simple green garment, similar to a robe.

"It's you." 

"Excuse me?"

You snap out of your little trance, blinking your eyes. "I'm sorry, I mean, you helped me. In the battle. Thank you, by the way."

He smirked. "You're welcome. But, what are you doing out here in the gardens late at night? It's not the most entertaining place in Asgard."

"Just- Just some shocking news I received."

He slid down the hedge, sitting a few feet away. "Well, we haven't had an ljós warrior in Asgard for quite some time, so I don't imagine you're the only shocked one."

You raise an eyebrow, looking towards him. "Everyone seems to know, huh? Are these light warriors some sort of celebrities?"

"You're one of them, how do you not know?"

You let out a humorless laugh. "Let's just say that tonight I found out my entire life has been a lie. A lie conjured up by magic and sorcery, that has now led my to question my sanity and my entire existence."

He stares at you for a moment, scanning your face, before sighing and looking back down at the ground. "The ljós warriors were once the most powerful beings in all the nine realms. They were worshipped, honored. That was until someone burnt down their command post. They were thought to be completely wiped out, their biggest weakness being fire. But," he gestured to you. "Obviously not."

You look up at him, grateful for more answers but still confused. "Who are you?"

He laughs. "You don't know who I am? You don't remember the Chitauri invasion? No wonder you weren't scared of me."

"The Chitauri invasion? As in the one that basically destroyed New York?"

"I'm Loki, Thor's brother. I started the invasion."

You gape at him in disbelief. "I remember you. The arrogant one Thor was always talking about!"

He scowls, and you laugh. "You're not frightened? Apprehensive?"

"That was a long time ago. I didn't even recognise you. And you're not trying to kill me right now, so I have no reason to be scared. We've all done shit we regret and never want to do again." You clench your fists as the memories of your parents- your fake parents- rise to the surface of your thoughts. His eyes drift to your hands, noticing your habit as you tuck your hands into your lap to hide them.

His bright green eyes held a glimpse of admiration, almost happiness, for a moment before the emotion left and he rose to his feet.

"Well, I really should be going, Lady-" He pauses as you realise you hadn't even introduced yourself.


"Lady Y/N. I hope- I hope to see you around Asgard."


wooooooo! finally a chapter that's a little on the longer side!

sorry, ik my writing isn't the best but I'm trying! feel free to leave advice or feedback in the comments :)

bombshells have been dropped! and Y/N and Loki have now officially met...

the ljós warriors are my own creation by the way, something I sort of added in to the story to make it a bit less cliché. 

hope you enjoyed! have a wonderful day!

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