
225 12 15

TW: brief mentions of blood and death

"Y/N?!" Bucky exclaimed as the rest of the Avengers returned from their mission.

"Hey Bucky," you replied with a smile as you hugged him excitedly. Bucky was like a brother to you in a way.

His happy expression darkened as he noticed Loki behind me. "What's he doing here?" He muttered.

You roll your eyes. Was everyone seriously going to do this? Sighing, you pull a chair over, not wanting to explain why Loki was here more than you needed to.

You climbed up on the chair, yes it was dramatic but in this case it was necessary. When everyone viewed you as a child, desperate measures to get people to pay attention to you were needed. You cleared your throat as everyone's eyes drifted to you.

"Yes Loki is here, yes we are dating, no he's not bad and no he isn't controlling me. Please respect this and my opinion and don't give me any unwanted advice. I know what I'm doing." You flashed a smile. "Thanks guys!"

You stepped down from the chair, using Loki's hand for help as he smirked slightly at you. Everyone's gobsmacked expressions were priceless as you led him away from the group.

Loki followed you to your bedroom, which hardly changed since you left. Except for the fact that Wanda or Steve likely had made your bed for you. Much to their disgrace, you were never one to make your bed.

Loki looked around with a smile. "It's interesting seeing the place you know as home."

You laughed. "Well, it's no Asgardian palace, but I like it."

He sat down on your bed. "I love it."

You sit down next to him, suddenly realising just the day you both had. "Are you okay?" You ask him, frowning. He had been wrongfully arrested by his own father, ran away from his home and grilled by the people you considered to be your family.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He replied, taking your hand in his.

"Everything that's happened today. Are you sure you're not bothered by any of this?"

He smiled at you. "I'm fine darling. As long as I'm with you I will be fine." He places his hand on your cheek as he leaned in to kiss you, you smiled as you kissed him back gently, before pulling away and resting your head on his shoulder. He leant back against the pillows on your bed, bringing you with him and he draped an arm around your shoulders, you nestling your head in a comfortable position between his shoulder and his neck. You soon found yourself sleepy, comfortable and happy in Loki's arms.

"Y/N?" He whispered softly.

You hummed in response, your eyes shut.

"I- I-" He sighed, unable to finish the sentence.

You opened your eyes before giving him a questioning look. "What is it?"

He smiled down at you, running his fingers through the end of your hair. "It doesn't matter. You can go to sleep if you like."

You closed your eyes, humming again as you drifted away into a blissful sleep.

The fire sword.

Burnt, fleshy creatures rising from the ground.


Too much blood.

Everything was red or black, ash flew through the air and dead bodies littered the ground.

"Y/N!" You awoke with a jolt, Loki's worried face staring at you.

"What happened?" you ask, panting. The nightmare had really shaken you up.

"You- You started shaking and whimpering and then screaming. Are you alright? That nightmare didn't seem good at all."

You clench your fists tightly, digging your nails into the palm of your hand. Your knuckles ached, which was strange considering nightmares and bruised knuckles were usually symptoms of using your powers an excessive amount.

Loki takes your clenched fists in his hands, gently opening them so he could take your hands properly. "Y/N, what's the matter?"

You sigh, before looking up at him with a small smile. "I'm fine. Just a little rattled."

He frowned, not convinced by your statement as he squeezed your hands. "Tell me Y/N. It's alright."

You sigh again, your breath coming out shakier than before. "I just have a terrible feeling something awful is going to happen."

He smiled sadly before pulling you into his arms, wrapping you in a tight hug. "It'll be okay. You have me, and everyone else here in the tower. If, and I mean if, something bad happens, we'll all be beside you solving the problem because we will always be here. I promise you that. I won't let anything bad happen to you."

You smile into his shoulder, before pulling away from the embrace and settling into his side. He wrapped a protective arm around you.

"Can we stay like this forever?"

"I hope so darling. I hope so."

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