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quick author's note - I forgot to mention this before but to give you an idea of when this is set, it's sort of just after Ragnarok, but both Odin and Frigga are alive, as well as anyone else mentioned in this story that might be dead and Thor still has Mjolnir.

also, sorry for the short chapter but I had to end it where I ended it for drama and suspense...

thanks :)

You arrived on Asgard to the sounds of screaming and fighting. Still in disbelief as to what was happening, you barely had time to enjoy the first sight of the golden sparkling city and the towering palace before Thor dragged you straight into battle.

Three large giants were attacking the palace as the Einherjar threw various swords and weapons at them. Your powers still weren't fully charged, but you knew that shooting beams of light at the huge giants would be a lot more effective than throwing weapons at them and stabbing their feet. Not wasting any more time, you use a ray to burn a giant's arm, causing a distraction. The giant, still clutching its arm, didn't see it coming when Thor flew up to his head, knocking it to the ground with one large swing of Mjolnir. Dust rose as one giant fell and another one attacked. Summoning all the power you could, you send another beam towards the giant's chest this time, causing him to fall immediately.

That just left the last giant. He was the biggest brute out of all of them, and the warriors fighting around you barely even phased him as he stormed closer towards the palace. Your powers had grown weaker, causing the beams of light you shot to become smaller and smaller.

Running out in front of the giant, you shoot at his head, but barely even hit his ear as he pushes you out of the way, causing you to roll along the ground. A hand reached out in front of you, which you gladly take, rising to your feet to get a better look at who had helped you. A man dressed in green and gold, raven hair falling back to just above his shoulders. He smiles slightly at you before you quickly utter a thank you and rejoin the battle.

You didn't have time to question the strange encounter as you witness Thor attempting to attack the third giant before he was also shoved away with force. You run over to help him.

Loki POV~

I watch the battle intently, my eyes not being able to leave the Midgardian Thor had brought with him. I thought his idea was ludicrous at first. First Jane, and now a Midgardian warrior fighting an Asgardian battle? When he mentioned the idea to father, he too was skeptical.

After brother had described her powers however, Odin mentioned something about the ljós warriors before approving his request quickly, another surprising action. 

Watching her fight, however, I understood what father must've meant. These powers were not the such of a mere mortal. But I could also tell the girl had barely scratched the surface of her abilities as I kept my eyes on her, curiously watching her fight.


As you reenter the battle, you once again summon all the power you could gather, sending light straight towards the giant's eyes, blinding him. Eyeing a dagger lying on the floor a few feet away, you lunge for it, digging it into the side of the giant's leg. Thor swung his hammer into the temple of the giant, causing the last one to also collapse.

You wring your hands, a force of habit, as you sigh in relief at the end of the battle. 

"You are a very powerful warrior, my dear." You turn to find Thor's mother, Frigga, watching you intently. You had never met her before, especially since this was your first time in Asgard. But she looked almost exactly like the images drawn in the Old Norse fairytales.

You bow awkwardly, unsure how to act around the queen. She waves her hand at you, clicking her tongue.

"No, no need for that now. Why don't you tell me your name?"

"I'm Y/N," you mumble, still surprised that the queen of Asgard was talking to you.

"Y/N, are your parents mortals?"

Taken aback by her question, memories of the incident come flooding back once again as you nod your head slightly. "I didn't even know I had powers until I lost control when I was sixteen."

She takes a step closer. "My dear, I don't think you are a mortal. You're from Asgard."

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