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After you had finally pulled away again from the kiss, Loki drew you closer to him. He stretched one arm around your shoulders as you leant into the warmth of his chest. There was a comfortable, happy silence as you lay against him in his arms, staring at the glittering stars scattered across the black sky.

He leans down to kiss the top of your head. "I'm so, so sorry Y/N. I should never have pushed you away from me. I almost lost you."

You sigh, looking up at him. "I've told you a thousand times, you don't have to apologise. And you didn't lose me. I'm too stubborn for my own good, and wasn't going to let you go that easy."

He chuckled, mirth and admiration filling his eyes. "You truly are one of a kind."

"I hope you mean that as a good thing," you reply with a laugh.

Loki POV~
She was truly a sight for sore eyes, sitting there as the skirt of her dress spread across the ground, and the reflection of the stars glittering in her eyes. I was hurt when I had heard her confession. Someone as incredible as her didn't deserve to go through something horrible like that.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, Y/N," I say softly as she looks back up at me. I catch a glimpse of sadness flash across her face, before she smiled again. I didn't fail to notice her habit of clenching her fists again, her knuckles white as she gripped the skirt of her dress.

"It was a while ago, I've gotten over it." I reach down again and take her hand in mine.

"You don't deserve any of that."

"Loki, it's okay. I'm happier than I've been in a long time."

I sigh, not wanting to press the matter further as I draw her even closer to me. I was happier too.


After a while of comfortable silence, Loki moved his arm from around you, standing up.

"What are you doing?" You ask with a laugh.

He reaches out his hand to help you up. "The feast is almost over and I realised I still didn't get that dance I wanted with a certain guest of honor."

You take his hand with a grin as he leads you out of the garden and back into the dining hall. Luckily, everyone was either drunk or busy so no one noticed you were gone. A slow soft melody was playing across the hall as everyone paired up with their respective partners as the last dance of the night started.

Loki drew you close to him, resting one hand against your waist and the other taking your
dhand in his. The rest of the room vanished as his green eyes didn't leave yours the entire time. You danced in perfect synchrony, twirling across the polished floor. As the music slowed, you leant your head against his chest. You were telling the truth when you said it was the happiest you'd ever been. You were the luckiest girl alive.

You had collapsed in bed that night, not bothering to take a shower and doing the bare minimum by changing into one of your fancy Asgardian sleeping garments. You had fallen in love with the dress you wore that night, to say the least, and while the idea of not bothering to change out of it was tempting, you decided against it in order to preserve the beauty of the gown.

The night had honestly felt like a dream. Loki was yours, and you were his. You fell asleep almost instantly from the thought.

You had woken to yet another knock on the door. Seriously, alarms probably didn't exist on Asgard due to all the knocking and waking people up that happened. You try and pat down the loose strands floating away from the braid you had slept in the night before, making some sort of effort to look awake. You open the door to find your favorite green-eyed god standing there.


"Good morning, Y/N," he says with a smile as you open the door wider for him to come in.

You stand on your tiptoes to kiss him. He kisses back, bringing his hands up to your cheeks in surprise. "What was that for?" He grinned.

"I just had to make sure that last night wasn't just in my head. I tend to have a very strong imagination."

He laughed, kissing you again before stepping back. "I had an idea, and being the impatient person I am, I couldn't wait until later to tell you."

You nodded, gesturing for him to continue.

"Well, ljós warriors can manipulate light right? I was thinking that if this is true, that why can't you manipulate what other people see? Sight is due to light, right?"

Your eyes widen as you realise what he was telling you. "Like an illusion?


"Loki, you're a genius!" You hug him in excitement, mainly over the fact you now shared a power with him. And it just so happened to be a really cool one.

"Want to go down to the gardens and test it out?" You nod eagerly as he takes your hand and leads you out of the palace. The crisp morning air was refreshing against your skin, and the stroll down to the gardens with Loki was almost perfect.

Once you got to the same alcove as always, Loki takes both of your hands, positioning you in front of him. "Now, I'm assuming it works somewhat similarly to my powers, so try and summon control of the light and morph it into what you want me to see."

You nod, lifting your hands as you feel the light draw to them. Your hands start to glow brighter and brighter as you close your eyes and try and picture a perfect snowy scene. You loved the snow so naturally it was the first thing that came to mind, complete with a picture-perfect pine tree and log cabin. You try and project the scene onto Loki, feeling the light morph at your command. It barely held for a second however, before you couldn't hold it any longer and dropped the illusion. Loki wraps an arm around you for support as you sway on your feet. Creating an illusion took a lot more energy than you anticipated.

"Whoa, there you are," he says as he helps you regain your balance again. "If you were trying to show me snow, it worked." You grin in excitement. You could create illusions, even if it drained all of your power to do so.

sorry for all the A/N's lol but idk I like connecting with my readers at the end of each chapter - let me know if you'd like less of these haha

a bit of a longer chapter for you all! some calm before the storm......

just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the comments so far! whether it be a nice message or a comment on something that happened in the story, I read them all and I love reading them - they're hilarious and so sweet and they make my day!

anyways that's all from me, hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day!!

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