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You met Lady Sif later that day. She was kind to you, showing you all around the palace until you assured her you could find your way around without an escort. 

She was now leading you to one of many large rooms, insisting you meet her friends. As you enter the room, you see Thor and three other men, drinking mead and laughing. Thor looks up at you. "Ah, Lady Y/N! Meet my friends, The Warriors Three. Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg." You gave them a small wave.

"The ljós warrior we've heard so much about!" You clench your fist. Why did everyone keep saying that?

"She's quiet but deadly. I've been showing her around the palace all day." Sif says, taking a seat next to Thor. You tap your foot nervously, standing awkwardly by the door. 

"Come, Y/N. Join us!" Thor waves you over as you take a seat with a small smile. You felt kind of out of place with the laughing bunch, till unsure of the strange Asgardian traditions and just smiling and nodding whenever they addressed you. Eventually you excused yourself, needing some space to clear your head.

You decide to head back to the garden, to the small alcove you'd visited the day before. Sitting back against the bush, you conjure small balls of light. They flickered before extinguishing. You sigh; how were you supposed to battle with your powers if you couldn't even control them for more than a few seconds? You keep conjuring the light, trying to hold it for as long as possible but it was no luck.

"You need to stop doubting yourself. If you think you can't do it, then you won't."

You snap your head up to find Loki's green eyes staring down at you, sparkling with laughter. "Are you following me or something?"

He shakes his head, reaching down next to a hedge, pulling out a book. "I come here to read, when palace life becomes a little too much. The gardens are much quieter, and no one bothers me here.

You sigh. "Except now I am. Sorry, I'll find somewhere else." You go to stand, but he stops you.

"No, stay, I'm not annoyed by you yet."

"I'm not annoyed by you yet either. You're probably the only person who hasn't brought up the fact that I'm an ljós warrior five times per sentence," you laugh.

"Asgard is certainly excited by your presence. And I can tell mother thinks very highly of you."

You smile, conjuring another ball of light. It lasted much longer this time before it flickered away. You look up at Loki. "Your mother said you were skilled in sorcery. What magic do you have?"

He sat down across from you, and a golden rose appeared in his hand. He offered it to you, but when you went to grab it, your hand went straight through it before it shimmered away with a flash of green. "Well, for one thing, I am the God of mischief and lies. I can create illusions, teleport, you know, the basic sort of magic."

"Basic? It sounds a lot better than what I can do. I can burn holes through giants and conjure weapons, but that's about it."

He laughs. "So that's why mother asked us to teach you. Ljós warriors have much more power than that. You just need to learn to unlock it. Your powers are much more complex than you think." He rummaged around his stash of books, pulling out a fairly thick one. "Here, this is where I learnt everything about the light warriors. I took a great interest in them as a child. You might find something useful in it."

You smile, taking the book from him. There was just one problem however. "Thank you, but I don't understand the language this is written in. The books in my room are the same."

He nods, walking over to you and waves a hand over the book. "It's an illusion. Makes it seem like the book was really written in your Midgardian language instead of Asgardian."

"Thank you Loki."

"My pleasure."


You had talked with Loki for a while, about what Thor got up to when he was a child, and about your past and what life on Midgard was like. Talking to him was so easy, like you'd been good friends for a long time. You could tell he was keeping the conversation subject light, however. Nothing about his past, except for stories of Thor of course, and he never mentioned your fake parents. You were grateful, you for one didn't want to think about all that again, and his past seemed like a dark mystery he didn't want to think about either. But you were still curious. He had such a bad reputation, especially on Midgard. But talking to him he seemed like every other person.

You were now settled back in the soft plush comfort of your massive bed, dressed in another soft garment suitable for sleeping. Your training started tomorrow, and you knew that you had to be somewhat awake if you were to make it out alive.


Sorry for all the short and shitty chapters. Ik it's slow and not very good at the moment but it'll pick up soon I promise. You may get a few chapters today as I'm feeling unusually motivated to write :)

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