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"He's what?" You stare at Thor in disbelief.

"He's been arrested."

"Why on earth would he have been arrested? He's a prince!" You run a hand over your face, panicked.

"Odin woke up this morning to find the Burned blade missing from his vault. The guards said Loki was the last person that visited there yesterday, so he was accused."

"But I was with him all day yesterday! He's innocent," you say as Thor places a hand on your shoulder.

"He's done some bad things, Y/N. But I know he wouldn't do this. But my loyalties lie with my father, especially if I am to become prince. I cannot disobey that."

"He's innocent," you say through clenched teeth. "And if the throne is more important than your own brother, you need to get your priorities straight." Anger was blinding you, letting you show your frustration to an old friend and the prince of Asgard. But Loki was more important to you than any of that. If you were to be banished, so be it. It was worth it in the end.

You try and push past Thor to get to the throne room, keen to have a word with a certain king of Asgard, but he stops you. "Arguing will get you nothing besides punishment and a bad reputation, little warrior. We'll figure out something."

You could've sworn you almost growled at him as you try again. "You may be a coward, but I'm not. I can't just sit silent, I have to say something. Loki doesn't deserve this."

Thor sighs, rubbing his eyes as you take the opportunity and duck under his arm.

"How dare you," you spat as you stormed through the throne room doors, Thor following after you, trying to stop you.

"I beg your pardon, Lady Y/N." Odin looks up from his seat, furrowing his eyebrows.

"You locked up Loki! Why?"

"He stole an ancient relic from my trophy room. The Burned blade."

"It wasn't him!"

"How do you know that?"

"Why would he steal it?"

"I can see that burn on your hand, a nasty one only a Burned blade can cause. I know he cares for you. Maybe he wanted to make sure it didn't hurt you again."

"Then how do you know it wasn't me who stole the sword?"

"Because an ljos warrior has no use for its greatest weakness!"

"You're just making excuse-"

"Silence! I have heard quite enough. You may leave now."

"You all think he's a monster, but maybe you're the real one. He's the sweetest, kindest person I have ever met. He already thinks so low of himself because of you. He doesn't deserve this, any of this. You are a cruel king and an even worse father."

"My son has blinded you with lies. His silver tongue has tricked you into thinking he's a good person. He has committed a crime, and he shall be punished for it. I suggest you leave before you get the same fate." His cold gaze sent a shiver down your spine and you scowl before walking away. If you ended up imprisoned, it would make it even harder for you to rescue your prince.

Loki POV~
What was Y/N going to think?

I was wrongfully accused and arrested, and yet like always, I could only think of Y/N.

Surely she'd believe that I was a monster now. Whatever Odin was telling her she'd believe in an instant, taking the king's word over mine.

I knew I didn't deserve her. I knew that sooner or later I would lose her. And I was right.  Part of me was hoping she'd realise she deserved so much better than me, while the other part longed to have her back in my arms.

My heart ached, the pain of being away from her worse than any other physical pain in the world. I wanted to hold her, tell her the truth, have her stroke my hair and force me to believe I'm not a monster. But how was any of that going to happen now?

You storm out of the throne room, even more furious than before. How could he dare to even think to do that to his own son?

Again, you refused to just sit around and do nothing. You made your way to the dungeons. You had to at least see him, make sure he was okay if not help him escape. As you made your way further down, you realise you hadn't thought through your plan. If you were to break Loki out, how would you get past the guards and eventually out of the palace?

But you couldn't stop now, you had to save him. He deserved to get out of there as quick as possible.

As you approach the door, your suspicions were correct. Two guards stood there, large axes in hand. They cross them in front of the door as you walk up to it.

"Lady Y/N, what are you doing down here?"

You tap your foot nervously, quickly scrambling to find an excuse. "Uh, Odin asked me to come to the dungeons, use my powers to make sure everything is secure as possible." It was a lame excuse, you weren't even sure how that would work, but the guards bought it anyways as they clear the door and open it for you. You nod your thanks as you enter the dungeons.

Cells lined the walls, creating a narrow hallway as you searched for your prince. You took a left as you come to the last cell on the very far left.

There he sat, back against the wall and his head to the floor, his signature raven hair falling down the sides of his face. You sigh in relief walking up closer.

"Hey Loki," you whisper.

He looks up, surprise painted across his face.


this chapter is meh sorry but I haven't updated in like two weeks (sorry about that by the way) and I'm writing this on the bus lol

what do you guys think so far? it's not getting a heap of attention - which let me make super clear I do not care about at all I literally write these because I know how much of an escape it is to leave reality for a moment and come into your favourite fictional worlds so the amount of reads could not bother me less - but I want to make sure it's still good enough for you guys to want me to continue! if not please let me know what I can do to make it better, feedback is amazing!

hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys next time!

have a wonderful day :)

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