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Even your typical steaming hot shower couldn't settle the overwhelming emotions flooding your mind after your conversation with Loki. You felt terrible seeing the hurt and rage in his eyes as he refused your comfort, and your friendship. Hearing his life story, how hurt and angered his past made him, you understood where he was coming from. You just wish he would've let you stay there and comfort him instead of pushing you away.

You were hurt, both by Loki's actions and behavior but also by the fact that Odin didn't trust him teaching you. 

The next morning, you made your way down to the training room as per usual. The only thing that was different was that Loki wasn't waiting there with Thor. He was the only one who understood the full capability of your powers, therefore making him the best teacher.

"Where's Loki?"

Thor sighs. "Upon Father's advice, he has decided to refrain from training you indefinitely."

You had a feeling that was going to happen, but it didn't lessen your disappointment whatsoever.

Training with Thor was fine, but it wasn't the same. He seemed to notice this as you were sparring, and stops.

"Is something the matter, Y/N?" He asks, and you snap out of your daze.

"No, nothing."

"Loki?" You snap your head up at the mention of his name and Thor grins, chuckling. "I knew it. You two have gotten very close over the past two weeks, it's no wonder you're upset he's not here."

You shake your head, eliminating any of Thor's growing suspicions. "No, not that. It's just-" you sigh. "He told me yesterday over and over again that he was a monster, that he was just going to hurt me. I told him otherwise, many times, but he wouldn't believe me."

Thor sighs. "Brother is a stubborn one. Won't listen to anyone's reason but himself sometimes. But I can tell he's taken a liking to you, so this surprises me."

You raise your eyebrows in shock. "Taken a liking to me? We just talk, I don't know why you would think that."

"I've known Loki for over a thousand years, Y/N. He's never acted like this before, around anyone. He even mentioned the idea of us training you to mother. He definitely likes you."

"I'm not in third grade, Thor. If he liked me, he wouldn't of pushed me away," you sigh as you push past Thor and exit the training room.

Why did you care so much about Loki's behavior towards you anyways? You were used to not having many friends, so why did one less matter?

Maybe Thor was right...

No, you couldn't like Loki, right?


No, again, you weren't in third grade. 'Crushes' and 'liking people' was a thing of the past. And even if you did, it's not like the feelings were mutual. Again, he wouldn't have pushed you away if he felt the same way.

You had to stop stressing. It had been a long time since you had fretted over a guy, and you weren't about to do it again.

As you were walking to your room, you run into Frigga.

"Y/N! Just who I was looking for," she greets you sweetly.

"Hi, Frigga."

"I wanted to mention that Odin has finally decided it's time to hold a feast in honor of your presence here in Asgard."

You blink. "A feast for me? That's not necessary-"

She waves a hand at you. "Nonsense, dear. It shall be held tomorrow night, and afterwards everyone can drink and dance. The splendid welcome you deserve."

You nod your thanks as she leaves you there in the hallway. An entire feast dedicated to just you? While you appreciated the gesture, it was all a bit too much for your liking. Everyone would stare at you and ask you questions about your powers and your heritage, something that had happened to you quite a lot the past few weeks. And you'd have to wear one of those gorgeous dresses in your wardrobe. The dress, you weren't complaining about. The process of putting it on and getting your hair and makeup done, that was a bit intimidating.

Your mind unintentionally started drifting to thoughts of Loki. Would he be at the feast? Surely. And he'd be in some sort of fancy suit or armor. That thought was kind of appealing...

You shook your head quickly, snapping out of it. You did not like Loki. You had to just keep telling yourself that, and you'd be fine.


sorry for the kinda short chapter, not much ik, but its leading up to the good stuff, I promise!

also I forgot to mention earlier, I'm Australian, so that's why there's a mix between American and Australian spelling of words (for example, I spelt colour (australian spelling) as color (american spelling), but I also spelt organized (american spelling) as organised (australian spelling))

probably makes no sense or you don't care lol but I thought I'd point that out anyway

have a great day!

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