Chapter Six

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"What the hell are you talking about!?" I'm not suppose to be cussing because Sophia can hear me but I'm way to confused and ticked off to not cuss.

"Swear you won't hate me?"  

"Um, I'm not gonna swear I won't but I can swear ill try my hardest not too." His face drops, and he wipes away a tear..  

"That night.. I wanted you.. So badly and I was buzzed.. I slipped you a roofy.. And when you went to go lay down because you were 'tired' I followed you in there and I... I umm... I fucked you.. And that's my baby.. You aren't 18 weeks your 19.." And before he could say anything else, I burst out laughing. He would never do that to me! He's my brother! He's crazy.  

"Why are you laughing?"  

"Cause this is the funniest joke ever!! You wouldn't do that to me! You're my brother!" I look over at him before continuing, realizing he's serious.... "YOU RAPED ME!?"  

He nods in agreement still crying and honestly I don't care! "I'm guessing Cory doesn't know!? Seriously Cody!? Why didn't you tell me!? I could be pregnant with YOUR child! I'm telling Cory! Give me my phone back! Now!"  


"Yes! NOW!"  

He hands me the phone (Thank God!) and I get out of the car. I wanna be mad and I am, but I'm more sad. I can't help but cry! How could he do that to me? I trusted him. I cared about him! I don't even know my daughters father. He knew about Martin. How could he!? Cody gets out and walks around to me puts his arms around me and just hugs me... Anger rages through my body as I push him off of me and throw my arms around my belly. "HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU CAN RAPE ME THEN HUG ME? I DONT WANT YOU AROUND ME OR MY DAUGHTER!"  


"NO SHE ISN'T! Get away from us! Please..." And of course I start crying again. But this time I call Cory...  


"Cory! Come get me! Hurry it's an emergency!"  

"Where are you?!"  

"In front of Kevin and Hannah's house.. Please hurry!" 

"I'll be there in five don't move!" 

Click. He's on his way... How do I tell him.. What do I say.. Why is Cody still standing here..  

"Why are you still here?" I practically spit at him. I'm beyond mad, well I think I'm more hurt because of how much I trusted him..  

"Making sure you and my daughter are okay. I know you don't like it but chances are that is my daughter, how many times had you and Cory made love but never got pregnant? Kate I love you. And Sophia is ours.." He says as he puts his hand around my stomach looking down.. Then she kicks and his face lights up.  

"Hi princess. Daddy loves you.." And he looks up at me, tears streaming down his face.  

"Don't confuse her. Cory is her daddy." He goes speechless, and removes his hands.. I want so badly to say I'm sorry or something but I don't know what to say either. We both just stare at each other speechlessly until Cory comes flying..  

"I've got to go, bye Kate. Bye princess." He says as he kisses my stomach.

"WHAT WRONG!?" He says jumping out of the car running over to me, he's freaking out. Big time.  

"Get in the car, I'm driving." I say quickly as I take his keys and waddle over to the drivers side. He doesn't argue, he just gets in& puts his seatbelt on.  

"Please Katelynn tell me what's wrong...." He practically begs..  

"... Remember that party I went to with Cody.. The one at the house we were just at?"  

He nods yes.  

"Well... Dear God how do I say this.. Cody slipped me a roofy and you know raped me... This may be this daughter..."  


I start tearing up again, and he just looks... Confused and angry.  

"Yea... That is what he just told me..."  

"I'm gonna kill him. He raped my fiancé.. And now we don't know if you're pregnant with my baby or his.." 

I don't even know what to say... I want him to kill him. But, I don't. Something inside of my really wants Cody now. And I know it's just because he might be Sophia's dad. But what if he's not? This feeling will go away, I just know it. It shouldn't be there to begin with. "... Should we tell our parents?" I ask still wanting to cry.  

"I think we should.."

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