Chapter Two

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As he walks in he starts introducing himself to Cory and I, even though I am fairly sure that him and Cory have already met. “Hello Katelynn, I’m Dr.Mason.” But before he could say anything else I attacked him with questions, “What’s wrong with my baby?! How far along am I?!” He just stood there, staring at me, I guess he thought it was unusual that I didn’t really ask about myself seeing as though I was attached to many machines. Finally he began to respond to my question, “Well, you lost a great amount of blood and you were jerked around the car multiple times. We think the baby may have some brain damage.” My world stops… I instantly think back to my nephew, Isaiah, who lost his fight to brain cancer a few years back. Dr.Mason stopped talking, he must have realized I took a trip to my own little world. After a moment, I looked up at my doctor again, “how far along am I?” This time my mind wasn’t as chaotic so I didn’t scream it at him. “From what we can tell, as well as what Cory has told us, you are seventeen weeks. The baby was in a good position so we were able to find out the gender, would you like to know?” Instead of just answering, I look up at Cory, sort of asking if he wanted to know, but without speaking. He smiled, meaning yes, and God knows I was smiling. I looked back at Dr.Mason with a smile and a nod.

“Congratulations, you are going to have a little baby girl.” 

I couldn’t respond, I was too happy. I could tell Cory was too because he had a full blown smile on his face as he leaned down to hug me carefully, trying to not pull out any cords, as Dr. Mason excused himself. But before he left he said if I had any questions to hit the nurse button and ask for him. My family must have saw him leave the room, as they entered not to long after Dr. Mason left. 

“I bet you all know already, but I am pregnant,” I confidently say. “Would you all like to know what I am having?” They all nodded but my father. “I am proud to announce that I am going to be the mother of a beautiful baby girl.”  My mother came over, congratulated us, and hugged us. I don’t think she was excited, nor do I think she understands why we are so excited. But, she was trying to be supportive, as she always is. I don’t know when but my father left the room. I was hoping he wasn’t mad at me, but I know he is. Tinsley and Ali, my sister and niece, left the room. They were hungry and so was my mother, she left shortly after them. I told Cory to go eat, but he said he was not leaving his girls, putting emphasis on the “s”. 

I decided it was time to tell him about something in my past, that only one other person knows. “Cory, do you know why I am excited?” I asked, trying to avoid eye contact.

“Because you have always wanted a baby?” Asking more than stating. 

“No, because I thought I couldn’t get pregnant… story time. When I was thirteen my cousin raped me, it wasn’t the first time, I got pregnant, but on my fourteenth birthday I miscarried. I tried for two years to get pregnant and I honestly did not think I could get pregnant, but it happened and I am over-joyed. But, I still don’t see how I missed the signs.” He just sat there, staring at me. I can tell if he is mad or what. Usually I can tell, but he has a blank face on. “Which cousin?” he asks under his breath, well, now I know he is pissed. I really do not want to tell him. So I’m just going to sit here and pretend I didn’t here him. “WHICH COUSIN KATELYNN?!” that time he practically screamed it at me. I figured I better tell him, before he makes a bigger scene, two nurses ran in after he screamed that. “Martin,” I whisper under my breath hoping he cant hear me… “what was that?” he asked this time a little more sympathetic. “MARTIN! OKAY! MY MENTALLY RETARTED COUSIN RAPED ME! I don’t like talking about it…” I screamed at him, not because I was mad at him, but because I was mad at Martin for doing that to me. I guess he noticed I was crying because he came over, whipped my tears with his strong hands, and kissed my forehead. 

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