Chapter 7 - Don't Say Goodbye, Say Goodnight

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Take my breath away but never say "Goodbye". ~ John Green

"Extra sprinkles please!" Samara told the girl on the Happy Milkshakes' counter. She felt really low after all her hopes being crushed when she didn't see Kevin at school. So, trying to distract yourself with an extra large glass of your favorite milkshake is a yummylicious idea!

"Here's your order, Ms. Samara."

"Thank you, Shasha!" She replied, reading the badge pinned up on the pocket of the counter girl's tee.

"Why would his mom say something like that?" Rosalie asked whilst grabing her can of diet coke, glaring at Samara's jumbo glass. She'd die rather than taking that amount of calories, but they never effected Samara as she'd remain skinny, even after drinking 10 grand milkshakes.

"Trust me, I doodled on this question throughout the weekend. I mean she's always been really sweet to me and suddenly, out of nowhere, she dropped a bomb on me!"

"So you wanna say that she's a sweet on the outside mommy and will never let Kevin see her true colors when she'll be doing black magic on your woodoo doll, right?" Rosalie asked teasingly making her best friend's lips twitch into a natural smile. Her jokes came flying out of nowhere, but their stupidity could even make a corpse laugh.

"We totally need to find out what's going on!" Samara said as they both exited the place.

"Maybe we should trace his calls!" Rosalie squealed in excitement.

"Yeah right, so that he can hand me over to the cops and I'll have to pull off the tag of a stalker girlfriend whole my life!"

"Woah! Isn't that Kevin?"


"There in the grocery store, at the vegetable section, picking a handful of lettuce." Rosalie pointed inside the store.

"Oh my gosh! What is he doing here?" Samara asked shockingly.

"Umm.. Planning an attack in Kazakhstan! What do you think? Anyways, just go talk to him, I'll wait outside." Samara nodded before hurriedly getting inside the grocery store.

"Sam? What're you doing here?" Kevin asked, smiling a bit nervously. Anybody could tell that he was sweating from head to toe.

"Planning an attack in Kazakhstan! What do you think?" Okay, she could've been much more creative than copying and pasting Rosalie's one liner sarcasm.

"I've never even been there." Kevin said lighty, trying to change the subject but this wasn't going to be that easy for him right now.

"By the way, did you donate your phone?" She questioned whilst folding her arms across her chest in angst.

"No!" Kevin answered, getting a bit edgy by the unrequired sarcasm.

"Okay then, I want to know what was the reason that you couldn't text me 3 sole words, I need space, after which I wouldn't have bugged you at all! But you chose to be silent instead, why Kev?"

"Samara listen", he took a deep breath before saying anything further. "I can't tell you, it's not the right time", he sighed. Knowing that his silence would hurt Samara, but according to him, this was the right thing to do. Afterall, he'd given the word to his Mom that he would no longer be in contact with Samara.

"Well, really? Will it be the right time for you when we'll fall apart?"

"Please don't say that Sam." Kevin pleaded as he reached out for her hand before continuing, "Everything will be alright. Just give me some time to fix things." He embraced her in a hug, attempting to calm her down.

"Yes, that's what you said two years back when things were falling apart. The truth is that everything will never be alright!" She shouted as she pushed his chest with both her hands, pulling apart abruptly.

"Please trust me Sam."

"How can I trust you when you don't trust me?" Her tone was much softer now as tears filled her eyes.

"I do trust you. I want to tell you everything, just give me some time. I'll not mess it up this time."

"I've already given you enough time Kev. It still hurts when I think about our past years. Don't give me new wounds when the old ones still hurt!

"You know I can't change our past but I'm trying my best to make it up to you-"

"Goodbye, Kevin Rockfield." She cut him off with those three words, piercing them like a sword right through his heart. But, that blood stained sword pierced through Samara's heart afterwards when she realised the true meaning of her words.

They stood there for a moment, looking into each other's eyes, as if answering all the questions that were left unanswered. In that moment, they both just wanted to forget all their problems and hold each other's hand for eternity and run somewhere far far away.

Their fantastical thoughts were shattered when they realised the shrude reality of their relationship. They had to accept that they are not meant to be together and just with a tick of the clock, they turned they turned their backs against each other before they began to walk on separate paths; never looking back.

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Kevin's P.O.V.

I tossed and turned restlessly on my bed, tears welling from my eyes as I cursed my situation. I'd lost her, forever this time, I thought to myself as helplessness dwelled over me. I could do anything to spin my world into reverse just to have her back again in my arms and never let her go but I'd accepted that she deserved a better person with a life not as fucked up as mine. It was time to let her go even though I knew that nobody in the Universe could love her as much as me.

But she wasn't wrong, I'd hurt her. I did abysmal things in my past and never told her the reasons. Even today, she's clueless about everything going on with my life. If I would've been at her place, we would never have come this far. But her patience, love, fogiveness made this relationship last three years.

I tried to close my eyes, sweeping back into my past, recalling the good old days. Atleast, there was this place where no one could steal her from me, my memories.


Hello there dear readers!

First of all, we're really sorry for such a late update. We apologize to all our readers from the bottom of our hearts. We promise that this would be the last time that we took this long to update, forgive us? :')

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Lastly, from the next chapter the story of 'THEIR PAST' is going to commence, so please be patient and wait for the next update, which will be up soon! We'd recommend you to add this story to your library so that you can be notified for all the coming updates. :)


Lots Of Love


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