Chapter 17 - She's Back?

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Game for the readers : Guess which character is in the banner to the right? xD
Hint : You already know this character, she's a bad one. ;)


Kevin's P.O.V.

"Of course it is a big deal for me, I like you Samara. I really do." I said it. Phew! I was proud of myself for being able to have the nerve to express my feelings to her. Last night, I spent hours in trying to accept the fact that I like her. I realised that I wasn't unsure of my feelings, I was afraid of the instinct that I'd be hurt again by a girl named Samara. That would be a double punch on my itsy bitsy male ego. Stupid instinct, right?

I have to accept the fact that Samara Halder did hurt me but I still wanted her more than anything. I used to curse my destiny for taking her away from me. So, my destiny gave me a new Samara; she may not be the one I craved for but it's destiny's way to teach me that I've been running after wrong things in life. Oh, a super weird instinct.

She was looking at me right in the eyes as if she was trying to find some answers there. She must be insecure too as she's never had a boyfriend before. I returned her gaze with admiration. Her warm brown eyes were to melt for, they seemed so honest, so true; making it impossible for me to shift my gaze towards something else.

"I like you too." Her cheeks had gone from peach to a lighter shade of red. A kiss on the cheek could define this moment to perfection but I couldn't go with my instincts for now. She was way too special for taking any chances.

"Samara?" I called up softly to make her look up to me as I continued, "I want to tell you something about myself before we take this any further." Taking a deep breath, I told her everything about my past...

She smiled and said, "I know you're afraid, so am I. But all I know is that you and I are here. Right. Now."

I leaned my face closer to hers till our breaths were mixing. Her lips parted in anticipation. They seemed too soft and supple, making it impossible for me to resist the urge of pressing them against mine. I held her waist tightly as my lips were about to touch hers when a familiar voice disrupted me.

"I've been looking for you all over in the school! You can't ditch the band practice man! We took an oath, remember?" What a great time for your entry, Shane Olsen.

"Yeah, we did but you know I'm kinda busy here." I clenched my teeth whilst gesturing towards Samara with my eyes.

"No excuses nigga! You have to come as we've been practicing a whole new routine. I'm sure Samara won't mind, right Samara?"

"Yes Kevin, you should go. See you tomorrow." She waved off before leaving. Damn, why is this happening to me?

"Are you insane?" I asked Shane giving him a death stare.

"You'll thank me later on for this." What was he talking about? All I wanted now was to give him a nosebleed.

"Well, really?"

"Listen, Samara a really nice girl, unlike your ex or the other girls which you've dated so far. You need to take it slow with her. Now, calm yourself down and keep your man instincts inside you! Am I clear?"

"Who're you and what in the Earth you did to my best friend?" Shane rolled his eyes at my outburst.

"I don't always behave like a pervert!" I cocked up my brow whilst crossing my arms over my chest as he quickly continued, "Okay, maybe I do. But you got my point, right?"

"Yeah whatever." I agreed rolling up my eyes.

The rest of the day was somewhat tiresome. We had a load of band practice which was quite tiring. Obviously drumming isn't a piece of cake guys! My legs were excruciating when I returned home. Finally, I had to tolerate my parents quarreling, yet again. What a wonderful sweet dessert!

Then I realised that Samara has relinquished some of her sarcastic skills to me, voila!


You can do this, Kevin. It's not a big deal, you just have to walk with Samara in the hallway. Just the two of you. Alone. Then, people will officially accept you guys together.

This was stupid tradition in our school and I was clearly an iconoclastic for this. Me, being a bit popular, had to show everyone that I wasn't alone anymore. It's not like I wanted to show off but I wanted to prove everyone that Samara Halder wasn't the end of me.

"Hey!" I jumped at Samara's voice. I was too much lost in my thoughts to notice her.

"Hey! You walked to school?" I concluded as there wasn't any sign of the school bus nearby.

"No, thanks to Rosalie's Chauffeur driven Mercedes." She smiled brightly whilst pointing towards Rosalie, who was approaching towards us with a guy.

"Hey Kevin!" She greeted me enthusiastically.

"Hey Rosalie." I greeted back, staring confusedly at the guy who was standing beside her.

She noticed my expression and began, "Oh! This is Austin, my brother. It's his first day here."

"Hey!" I greeted him whilst shaking his hand. Were they really siblings? Because they didn't look alike, at all.

"Hey", he replied. Is it me or were there really too many heys in a minute?

We stood there for some minutes in awkward silence before Rosalie finally said, "I'll show the school around to Austin. See you guys around." She gave Samara a thumbs up and a wink before leaving.

"Shall we?" I asked a bit nervously.

"Sure." She replied biting her lip. It seemed like a big deal for her too. Maybe, Rosalie had told her already about the hallway thing.

As we entered the school hallway together, I could feel my knees melt. Every head turned around to look at us. Some people were busy texting the news whilst some were discussing the new couple with each other. In school, everything you do, becomes a big deal.

Heaving a sigh of relief, I thought to myself, it's finally over.

But my anticipation was proved wrong after I saw Samara Halder approaching toward us. She looked a bit edgy. Uh-oh...


What is going to happen now? Guys, cross your fingers for Kevin and hope that he doesn't have to face a nuisance.

And yes, the girl in the banner is Samara Halder! We knew that you wanted to see this bitch, right? xD


Lots of Love ❤

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