Chapter 6 - She's Trouble

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"Why don't you just ask him?" Rosalie asked coolly while playing with the food on her tray. Today, it was only Rosalie and Samara at their usual table instead of the four musketeers including Shane, Kevin, Rosalie and Samara. Kevin had to go out of town last night to handle some important matter (which remained confidential for Samara) and Shane was busy with the band practice.

"Oh yeah right, I should just confront him and ask Hey! What have you been hiding from me? If it would have been this easy, he would've told me a long time back!" Samara snapped but Rosalie was too busy noticing her freshly manicured nails. She was really annoying when the Self obsession thingy took over her. Sometimes, Samara used to miss the old chubby Rosalie, who wasn't the hotshot Miss Popular of Elmwood High. Back then, she used to listen to all her hues and cries patiently.

"Rose! Are you even paying attention?"

"Okay. You want me to pay attention? Where was your mind when you crushed my brother's heart?" The words pierced Samara's heart like venom. How could she forget the horrible things she had done to Austin? Breaking someone's heart and living with it is just like living with a ghost.

"Have you spoken to him? Is he okay?" She managed to ask choking on the last word.

"Yeah, he's fine. I'm sorry for being an ass Sam, it's just that I'm not feeling myself lately."

"What happened?" Samara asked twitching her brows.

"Andrew asked me out last week and I couldn't tell you because I thought that you're tensed yourself."

"Andrew did what?" Samara's eyes popped out in amazement. Rosalie used to have a big crush on him three years back but he never regarded her feelings then as she was way too ugly for him in her sweatpants and loose tees. But if you'd look at her now, she looked super slinky in her pink body hugging pants and a nicely tucked in satin blue ruffle top. If someone had shown her picture of tenth grade to the team of Extreme Makeover, she'd definitely be starred!

"He asked me out." She said with a stern face.

"I already heard that. I mean, he rejected you a long time back because of your body and now he suddenly wants you? Bullshit! Men make me crazy sometimes."

"What should I say to him? I'm confused."

"Are you? You know he doesn't like you for who you are. Maybe all he needs is you lying off clothes on his bed ready to get laid!"

"Please, let's just drop it off. Okay?"

"Okay." Samara said pouting up her lips a little.

"Can we go to class now?" Rosalie pleaded.

"Okay now I agree on the part where you said you're not feeling yourself because this is the first time you're eager to attend the class."

*** *** ***

Ting tong! Samara had been ringing Kevin's doorbell since five and there wasn't any sign of him opening the door. She'd decided to drop off at his place after school when he texted her that he was back home.

"Hey Sam!" Mrs. Rockfield greeted her as she opened the door.

"Hey Mrs. Rockfield. I was hoping to drop by and hand over Kevin the physics notes for today's class. Is he there?"

"No honey, he's out of town and I'm afraid he'll be late, otherwise you could've waited." Mrs. Rockfield smiled sweetly.

"Oh, I thought he was back."

"No he's not, I'm afraid that you'll have to give this to him at school on Monday."

"Okay." Samara nodded as Mrs. Rockfield closed the door in a hurry before she started walking home. While surpassing their window, she overheard someone shouting. When she peeked inside, she was dumbstruck. It was Kevin agruing with his mother.

"Mom, I don't lie to Sam. Please let me tell her, it's killing me now. I've got to tell her!" Kevin begged vulnerably.

"No you can't, we can't tell anyone Kevin! I don't want to deal with anybody else knowing about this family. Do you understand Kevin Rockfield? Also, just stay away from her for sometime. She's a big trouble for you and this family." Mrs. Rockfield shouted in angst.

Samara wiped her tears as she ran towards her house. Her heart was filled with agony along with sadness. What was the truth that he was hiding out from her? Why did his mom lie to her? She didn't have an answer for these questions but one thing she was sure about, Mrs. Rockfield definitely considered her a termite for her family.



Don't you guys just love cliffhangers? They leave you in utter confusion! Austin's story and Kevin's secret are yet to be disclosed guys and it'll all be soon, we promise.
We're so sorry for two cliffhangers in a row, please don't kill us! :p

This chapter is dedicated to TabbiKade as she has made a beautiful book cover for us. She's a great writer as we've read one of her stories called "Desire and Negotiations", guys please check it out as it's amazing.
❤Thanks alot dear for the wonderful cover❤ :)

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If you're getting too much sentimental after reading this love story, check out our other book "The Ultimate Fact Book 2015". It will surely make you laugh/smile.

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P. S. We love all our sweet readers and we consider you all a part of this story, as without you guys we never would have got the motivation to write more.

Lots of love
#KetanSanya ❤

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