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The smell of burnt coffee beans fills the air where Rusty and I sat. The loud movement from the Airport around the small cafe we chose to wait at filled my ears. Every notification I expect to be my friend messaging saying he's finally gotten off his plane. Rusty sat taking small bites of the grilled cheese sandwich he picked, while I sipped on my white chocolate mocha latte. The filth of the airport was overwhelming but I tried to focus on the amazing thought that today I will finally get to see his fluffy hair and hear his amazing laugh.

I'll get to hug my close friend and get to make real life memories with him and hopefully figure out what this feeling I have that makes my heart beat really fast just when he smiles. If Aiko was here she'd say I have major feeling for him, I might but at the same time I never felt this way about my Exes, the few I had; hell Rusty's was my boyfriend for two years before we broke up and I never once felt like this for him.

My phone that sat face up stared to vibrate once more and finally my hopes weren't put up for nothing. Mr Napicus him self saying his plane has landed and he is slowly getting off.

"My Little man, are you ready to go get Sapnap from the gate?" I ask realising that Rusty probably doesn't understand anything about how airports work since he's four and has never been to one since he was very tiny baby. Rusty nods finishing his sandwich, I stand up and help him off the seat just to make sure he doesn't hurt himself. I pick him up just to make it easier to get to the right gate and so I don't lose him, his legs land one on my front and one on my back; he held his favourite panda Mr Snuggles in his left hand while the other grabbed onto the back of my shirt.

I start to walk and we slowly arrive at gate nine there was a lot of people around holding up welcome signs, my favourite is one that just says 'How was your holiday with your side hoe'. If it was as funny as it was I'd probably judge the lady in her mid 30s for having it but honestly was pretty fucking funny. After a couple of minutes people finally were walking out with their bags, I've yet to see my friend. I keep looking around until I see the broad shouldered brown haired familiar man walk out with a duffel bag Over his shoulder. He doesn't noticed us at first, he looks more handsome in real life all those E-girls should be jealous that my minecraft boyfriend is hotter then theirs lol. He finally sees where we stood, Rusty still in my arms. Sapnap walked over to us, his smile got bigger, honestly so did Rusty's and mine. He now stood in front of us, I really just want to hug him but I didn't want to put Rusty down with so many strangers around.

"Hey Mamas" I smirk after saying my funny, Sapnap did waste a minute before rapping his arms around Rusty and myself. The hug was just what I need, I felt so safe and warm.

"Aw young family so sweet, reminds me of when we were young" an older man speaks to who I assume is his wife, I don't think he wanted us to hear but we did and both our faces were bright red, well I can't see my own but Sapnap was definitely. We both laugh a bit and Sapnap let's go of the hug.

"Sappy Nappy!" Rusty says giggling with joy as he smiles brightly.

"I can believe I get to met my favourite big man" Sapnap says as I let Sapnap hold Rusty the same as I did just to let my arm rest. After we've finished our greetings we agree to head to the car, somehow I only ended up carrying my phone, wallet and keys. Sapnap ended up with his duffel bag and Rusty's little fluffy panda's face backpack, I'm proud of that purchase not gonna lie.

We finally reach my car, I pull my keys with the blue fluffy ball keychain swinging as I click the unlock button on my car's lock thingo, I have no idea what that is call but it's the thing that has unlock, lock and the alarm buttons.

Sapnap placed Rusty in his car seat, the dummy definitely haven't ever used a car seat before since he is struggling to get a small child buckled in, I move over to that side and lean in. One quick moment on my behalf and Rusty is buckled. I grab two bags Sapnap held and put them one the other side of the back seat. Sapnap enters the passenger's seat while I do the same with the driver's side.

Thinking of you.  (Sapnap x Oc) Where stories live. Discover now