t w o

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It was the next day, I chose to ignore all the tweets from last night, still regretting that I said that, it's not the worst thing I could of said but I know how people react towards anything said online, I just hope it dies by next week. I finally go onto Twitter to see Aiko just Twitter at me.



Aiko | @aikowo
@blissful wanna talk about the clip I've been sent by like 30 people?
-> Blissy | @blissful
Ahh no... I was sleepy and not thinking I swear
-> Aiko | @aikowo
Sure sure enjoy the spam

Blissy | @blissful
Regarding the thing I said on last nights stream, I was tired and jokes aside I don't know Any members of the dream team let alone Sapnap so please stop spamming @ both of us thank you :3
-> Wilbur Soot | @wilbursoot
@Blissful didn't realise you like minecraft men, I know a few if you want company to help you through this time
-> Blissy | @blissful
Mr Soot please leave the chat, your visa has been banned from this User's Twitter page. Thank you, kind regards Bliss.
-> Wilbur Soot | @wilbursoot
Ah wouldn't it suck if someone who was followed by Sapnap @ him in this Twitter chain?
-> TommyInnit | @tommyinnit
@WilburSoot not pog being mean to a woman.
-> Wilbur Soot | @wilbursoot
She's American
-> TommyInnit | @tommyinnit
Pog then cause America suck
-> Blissy | @blissful
Why is a child in my Twitter comments?
-> TommyInnit | @tommyinnit
@twsimpnap come control your woman
-> Sapnap2 | @twsimpnap
Tommy we get you don't have a woman but you don't have to scare all women off.
-> Blissy | @blissful
uh hi Mr Nap, I would like to apologise for the tweets in this area of the Twitter universe.
-> Sapnap2 | @twsimpnap
Ah Hello Miss Ful, it is alright. I would like to apologise for this child who has gotten lost in you Tweet.
-> Blissy | @blissful
Oh Mr Nap this maybe my fault that a child is here, I said a weird thing on my stream last night when a media share played of you saying 'Hey Mamas'. Sorry again that you have to deal with a child.
-> Sapnap2 | @twsimpnap
Yes Miss Ful I have seen the clip, it's all good. The child follows the smell of Clout, we have all tried to remove him but even blocking doesn't work forever.
-> Blissy | @blissful
Makes sense Mr Nap, I hope that the clip didn't make you feel weird or make me seem like a simp as I am not a simp yet.

@twsimpnap has followed you


Hello Miss Ful

Ah Mr Nap, sliding into a
Girls dms so quickly :)

Ah court me!
I actually wanted to say hello

Aw your really trying
to make me a simp I see
smh, it takes more the just
a hello mamas this time :)

Well I see you like
making a boy work lol,
nah I wanted to actually talk to
you is that so wrong?

Maybe lol

So what do I call you?

Nirvana :)
Vana for short!

It's nice to meet
you Nirvana
Vana for short

You too Sapnap!
So your friends with

Yes I'm basically
his best friend

Omg I'm starting to simp XD

Thinking of you.  (Sapnap x Oc) Where stories live. Discover now