s e v e n

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The ringing of my alarm goes off, my eyes crusted over by sleep slowly open. I'm not in my room, but laying on something firm in my lounge room. I move my head slightly to realise I had fallen asleep on the couch with Sapnap, his arms were rapped around me and my head was on his chest. I reach for my phone which rested in my hoodie's pocket, I turn the alarm off before nudging Sapnap a enough to wake him.

"Morning sleepyhead, I have to get ready. Wanna let me get up?" I smile looking slightly up to smile at him.

"Not really but only because you asked so nicely" he says releasing me from his hold, I slowly stand up helping Sapnap up as well.

"You go take a shower in the bathroom down here near the guest room, while I go get my little man ready" I smile and he nods, we go our separate ways. I head upstairs and into Rusty's room, he was pretending to still be asleep but I quickly changed that by tickling him.

"Are you trying to scare your own mummy" I ask him still tickling him.

"Sorry mummy" he laughs out as I release him, He sits up and hugs me, I lift him up hugging him tightly.

"Now little man, what do want to wear today? Something cute or edgy?" I asked as if Rusty knows the difference other then thinking it means colourful or black and whites.

"Matching with mummy" is all he replied, how did I make such an adorable person in the world! Definitely not bias though! I put the giddy child on the ground near his wardrobe and I grab his tiny black ripped jeans, baggy white t-shirt and a black plain hoodie and the other accessories needed for everyday.

"I'll go get the bath ready while you grab Mr snuggles and put him in your bag" he nods while i lay the clothes on his bed and walk into the bathroom across on the top floor and turn the bath on. Waiting for it to get to the right temperature to add bubble bath too it, I leave all his bath toys next to the bath as well as his soap and face washer.

Once he was finished with his bath with assistance from me, i help him out and start to dry him off. He's now rapped in his towel dried off, we go Into his room again and we get him dressed.

"Big man, go play downstairs while mummy gets ready." I say patting his head as we both walk out, he walks downstairs while I walk into the bathroom to get ready. Once I was done myself and dressed with my black ripped jeans, white cropped top and a black hoodie tied around my waist.

I head downstairs with surprise the smell of sizzling bacon and cooked eggs, I walk into the kitchen were Sapnap stood cooking breakfast for us. Too bad he wasn't wearing a cook the chief apron because that be a photo to hold against him but I'm definitely not going to forget the sight of him right at this moment.

"Man that can cook, your gonna make a girl swoon." I mockingly make an old western accent as I say it, which makes Sapnap chuckle.

"I got to make a good impression on the big man in the house" he smiles as he continues to cooks, this idiot shouldn't be aloud to be this cute. How can he go from smug to cute in five seconds and it really gets to me.

"Food can only do so little, but the fair is on this afternoon and if I remember right you said you'd take me" I smile out before continuing, "Rusty has never been to fair so I'm sure he'd love it".

"Sneaky, but yeah i did say I'd take to the fair and win you a big stuff animal" his voice was sweeter then before, the feelings were obvious But as I really ready for this.

My phone starts to ring just as it did last night, though that help time a perfect moment between Sapnap and I while this time it only broke that moment. Once again it was the same familiar song, why does he have to be so annoying? I just want to live my life and not have to deal with shit like this. This time the song finishes as the call was left to ring out.

Thinking of you.  (Sapnap x Oc) Where stories live. Discover now