t h i r t e e n

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"Okay so I'm sick" I sniffle out.

"I was talking to your boyfriend and he told me watch you did" Alice shakes her head.

"Does this mean no Disney?" Rusty pouts, I should of listen to nick the other day. Now I'm in bed with a massive cold.

"Just cancel my ticked and you five can still go, Jeremy is there so I'll be less worried about rusty" my eyes were watery and my face is puffy but I can't let my baby down all because his mum is a stupid person.

"Really? But mummy will miss out then!" He still is pouting.

"Baby it's okay, it's your birthday gift from your dad so you guys can enjoy and by the time you get back mummy will be all better" I smile at him. Four days home alone sick, fun.

"Aunty Alice will get someone to check on your mommy every couple of hours" she smiles down at Rusty.

"Mummy will be alright.. right?" He looks up at me with a worried look in his eyes.

"Mummy will be, I promise" I smile coughing the opposite direction of the others.

"We can also call her anytime you like!" Alice smiles.

"Plus it will be a good trial before your dad takes you to his home for a week" I smile. Alice quickly takes my temperature and writes it down in a book on my bedside table.

"I will have to tell on you to your boyfriend I hope you know this" she shakes her head once more before walking outside.

"Mummy I'll bring you Mickey ears back and I'll get a picture with Donald Duck just for you!" Rusty whispers to me smiling before giving me a quick hug and running out of my room. My eyes start to close though before I could get them fully shut my phone began to ring off, at first I didn't answer because I was tired, though when the ringing stopped only to start again I check who is calling and chose to answer it.

"Hey hot stuff" my beautiful but croaky voice answers my boyfriend's call.

"First are you okay?" He asks calmly.

"Yep" I cough again.

"Second I told you, why don't you listen to me?" He laughs a bit though I can hear the worried tone in his voice.

"Because I'm a dumbo, I'm so hot and cold and I don't like it" I quickly grab my water bottle taking a drink.

"Promise me that from now on you will listen to me when I worry about your health." His words make my heart smile if it could smile.

"I promise, though you might need to remind me when my brain isn't leaking out of my ears" I try to laugh but I cough instead.

"I will because I don't want you to get sick again" He is still speaking softly, I'm assuming so my headache doesn't hurt more.

"Mr SnapMap I wove you" I cough a bit.

"As much as I love you if you call me that again I will hang up on you, but this time I'll let it be Alice said you took a lot of cough medicine." He say, I smile a bit.

"Snappy Mappy I'm a bit sleepy, can I call you when I wake up?" I ask.

"How about instead i will call you in two hours okay" he says.

"Mmmmm okie dokie, bye lover boy" my eye lids got heavier and Heaver.

"Sleep well beautiful" he says as the sound of the call ending allowed me to fully shut my eyes.

My dream was funny, it was my life if I didn't get pregnant as a teenager. It was definitely worse then my life now, I was in enrolled as a history major. Jeremy and I weren't together but we just had no contact either, my old friend who basically were my friends because I came from money were dicks still but the part I disliked at all was I never met any of my friends I have now and especially didn't even know the love of my life was out there. I've never regretted keeping Rusty and what my sick brain's weird dream reminded me is how much I love my life and I should be way more thankful. After all that in the dream I got sick and I was laying in my bed in my childhood bedroom and Sapnap was there just checking my temperature. Now this is a dream I want to stay in, my eyes have chosen otherwise.

Thinking of you.  (Sapnap x Oc) Where stories live. Discover now