40k Reader Special

459 16 64


Quick Note:
This isn't a cross over but I wanted to bring my characters from both my Dream and Quackity's fanfics for extra fun so yeah! You don't need to read them for this to make sense but like I mean not to be bias I really enjoyed working on them! My stories aren't actually connected but I find it fun to make them interact in specials!

I also started writing this at 30k but y'all beat that before I got half way through this and now Gogy is in America so like some of it had to be changed so if a line about Gogy doesn't make sense that's why lmao


"You got the boys to agree to the movie night huh?" Aiko laughs at me before throwing a tiny bag of m&m at my head. I swear if my child picks up a habit like this off his Aunty I will yeet her.

"Mum are you thinking bad thoughts?" My now 6 year old questions, apparently his friends made fun of him for calling me mummy still so I'm Mum now... heart is broken but like I don't know if I can really do anything about it. I told him he shouldn't care what others thinks so he showed his friends a picture of him and Mr beast... yep my son using internet clout so kids at school would be his friend.. they apparently haven't clicked on who I am probs because I don't show my face on the boys streams that much but like still.

Should 6-7 year olds actually be watching my friend group... like I know we play Minecraft and are sort of pg but I'm still iffy about what I let Rusty watch and yet his mates parents apparently couldn't care... bloody public school... saying that I'm sort of worried more about what people bring to school but I can't really do much...

"Yeeting Aunt Aiko" I shrug, my son smiles letting out a giggle showing those dimples I love.

"Fair! Hey big man you excited to have a sleepover at your friends house?" Aiko smiles quickly grabbing my son pulling him into a tight hug as she holds him.

"Yeppy Seb's mum makes the best chocolate cake!!ALMOST AS GOOD AS AUNTY ALICE!!" He gets excited, I'm happy even after starting big school he made new friends especially since we moved I was so scared but apparently he's really popular at school.

"Blissy... rusty is getting too big for my short ass to hold" she looks like she's about to cry. I steal my son holding him myself.

"My little man will always be just that! I don't care if he's 6 or 60 I'll always see him as my little baby boy" I kiss him on the head.....

"also watch your language Aiko" I sigh.

"Whatever mom" she rolls eyes.

"She's my mum not yours!" My jealous crotch goblin crosses his arms, I place him down but he's quick to hug me.

"Oh baby, she being funny... well at least trying" I sigh.

"GOOD!" He Huffs out.

"Wait until he hears Sapnap call you mommy" Aiko laughs out and I punch that pain in my arse as hard as possible in  the shoulder.

"Why does Sappy Nappy call you mummy?" He doesn't look impressed.

"Won't his friends make fun of him too?" He asks still not impressed but lol funny moment.

"She's joking" I feel a migraine coming on.

"Rusty my favourite nephew, when two adults date they get nicknames for each other... like I call Alice my queen" Aiko begins to explain.

"And this is where I start packing my bags, taking my son and moving as far away from this conversation" I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry" she makes puppy dog eyes.

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