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"Happy birthday my little man" I kiss my sleeping child head and waking him before giving him a massive hug.

"Mummy I'm am I a big boy now?" He half asleep cute little muttering voice asks.

"To me you will always be my little man but you are definitely a big boy, I remember your very very first birthday when you were like a little jellybean person compared that your a very big boy" I smile and he hugs me tightly.

"Now what does the birthday boy want for breakfast?" I smile at him as he grabs his favourite panda teddy bear Mr Snuggles and gets out of his bed.

"Hmm Vegemite toast" He says not really thinking about it.

"Are you sure?" I ask hoping he will think a bit longer.

"Chocolate chic pancakes!!!" He now super excited at that choice.

"Okie dokie, let's go tell Aunty Alice" I smile and he runs out of his room and into the kitchen, god he runs too much especially inside after he just wakes up.

"God Blissy your slow" Lemon laughs out when i finally get to the kitchen where the other's are.

"Mummy why isn't Dad here? He promised" Rusty looks a bit sad.

"Little man dad is gonna be here for dinner I promise, he had to get a later flight. But he will be here" I smile and Rusty quickly goes but to his happy birthday boy excitement.

"How many Chocolate chic pancakes is everyone getting?" Alice says making the mixture up for the pancakes while I sit down at the table with the two other woman and Rusty.

"Five so then we have one for each year That our favourite birthday boy has been alive" Aiko smiles out.

"I want sixty nine please" Lemon jokes, myself and the other three adults laugh while Rusty is just confused by us laughing at a number which it's better that he doesn't understand that joke.

"Five is each is definitely enough" Alice smiles out as she begins to cook them.

"So while Aunty Alice is cooking breakfast do you want presents?" I smile asking him.

"Yes please" he smiles back.

"Okay before I give you the ones Aunty Niki and Uncle Wilbur sent do you want the one I got your first or from Aiko and Lemon?" I ask.

"Mummy First!" He excitedly announces.

"Okay let me grab it" I walk into the lounge room and grab the three rapped that I'm in charge of giving him and the gifts from the girls. I place them at the end of the table before hanging him the one from me, he quickly opens it smiling out. Pulling out a cute panda themed bucket hat, best part about him going to school in America instead of in Australia is no tacky school uniform. Rest In Peace my Trash bag looking primary school dress.

"THANK YOU MUMMY!!!" He screams out putting the hat on his head, smiling so much his dimples were fully showing. My god not to be my normal bias self but my son is the cutest little blonde boy ever!

"Your welcomed now Aiko, Alice or Lemon Next?" I ask and he points at Aiko so I pass her to him, he is quick to free the gift inside which was the iconic red Tommy Innit shirt in Rusty's size and a Dimond sword.

"AUNTY THANK YOU! MUMMY I CAN MATCH WITH TOMMY AND FIGHT ALL THE ZOMBIES!" He still excitedly screams, god he's gonna protect Philza from the baby zombies at this rate. I hand him Lemon's gift next, he opens is and it's a shirt saying 'I know GeorgeNotFound' and a lot of snake lollies.

"THANK YOU AUNTY LEMON!" Rusty smiles at lemon and my god she almost is in tears. Wait is this the first time he's called her Aunty awww.

"Now Aunty Alice's" I hand the gift bag to him and he opens it to see a panda apron and panda cookie cutters and other panda themed baking utensils.

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