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Months went by like nothing, Christmas came and with it my friends did as well. Aiko and Alice had already unpacked in the spare room, the four of us and Jeremy sat at the table eating our New Year Eve dinner that Alice cooked.

"I can't believe you won't be living here for much longer" Aiko says almost sad that she won't get to take vacations here anymore.

"Girl it's not like we aren't gonna see each other everyday lmao" I laugh at her, Alice joins in.

"If anyone gets to be annoyed it's Jeremy" Alice laughed, he was to busy watching our son to pay attention. He's been a good father to Rusty these last couple months, Rusty even started calling him dad and thanks to that I got to see an almost twenty year old cry.

"He will have deal with the annoyingness of the move, he has no say" I laugh and with that he finally started paying attention to the adults.

"Hey it's not an problem, we have be discussing this for a while now and we are gonna make it work because I can go back to a world where our son doesn't know me" he explains, he's been really good to me even after us trying to make a relationship between us didn't work and even now that Rusty and I are moving in with the girls in Florida. He will come visit us in the holidays and long weekends but other then that his stay in America is coming to a end.

Down side of Jeremy and I trying to make it work between us was that Sapnap didn't want to get in the way. We still talk just not the same, in a month with the help of Sapnap's new roommate Dream I am going to do the classic show up with a stereo out the front and apologies for being a stupid jerk these last few months.

"Dad loook I made my mash have a face" Rusty giggled, we all look a the pea face on top of his mash potato; his father scruff up Rusty's hair.

"you shouldn't play with your food" Jeremy says softly, while the rest of us aw at the interaction between the boys. How have I became the fun parent?

The night went as quick as the following next and last month at this house, with the help of my three guests we had gotten the stuff we wanted to take with us to the new house, whatever we didn't we left in house as my brother suggested. Once everything was packed and sent off cross the states, we packed up pasta and Rusty's definitely needed things in our car. Alice left ahead to follow the truck while Aiko joined Rusty, pasta and I in my car and honestly we had a fun but long drive.

I can't believe how quickly 2020 ended and how fast January went by, the day we finally arrive at the new house was the day before Valentine's Day. We planned to be here a couple days before but due to some annoyance of others we were late to arriving.

Tomorrow I have to have the perfect day planned to make up for my crummy choice, I need to show him what  since his visit that I realised that our friendship.. no our connection means something more then any relationship I've been in.

Hopefully I don't mess things up more then they already are, Dream has already made sure that he isn't got plans tomorrow. I'm not sure what he told Sapnap but I hope whatever lie the internet man made up doesn't put me in deeper waters.

Finally we arrive at our new home, only an hours drive from where the boys hung their hats and played their games. Aiko and Alice dibs the master room while my office/room was the second largest and finally Rusty had the third room. It wasn't as fancy as my parents house but it was ours, the first proper place I can say I worked for.

"There she is, the lesbian lair" Aiko announces, she ain't wrong but she probably shouldn't scream that out for our new neighbours to hear as three women and a child move in together.

"Yay lesbian" Rusty claps his hands excited, Ah maybe having a child in a house with a Baker and two streamers is the best idea. Alice out here being the only one with a 'normal' job, she's just jealous that she isn't hot enough to pull off anxiety filled mess of a job.

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