New Year Special Cross Over!

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This chapter is a special chapter with no actually meaningful plot but a thank you for reading Thinking of you and Unmasked! Merry Christmas and Happy New year! To Read Fae's POV of the chapter Check out my other finished book Unmasked (Dream x Oc)!

I get to spend the new year with the love of my life and my closest friends what could be better! Well getting to meet the woman who won over dweam's heart on top of it makes this the best New Years. Chadicus my beloved boyfriend has warned me that she's a lot different then how she was when she streamed all the time, which I didn't really watch her so I don't really know what that means but still.

Gogy approves of her so if dweams Boyfriend gets along with his girlfriend she must be decent. I cannot believe for the whole time I've been with Nick and she's been in Clay's life that I didn't have the chance to meet her. Though apparently her best friend aka the girl who kiss my man at a party is bringing her baby daughter so I'm super excited to hang with another streamer mother, also Nick said she's a good kisser so I might test that.

Shit I need to start getting ready and my dumbo boyfriend has chosen to take a long shower today, I need to borrow dream's bathroom again.

God Nick complains when I take a long shower but then he has to look extra good cause his boyfriend is coming like damn what if I want to look good for Karl?

He's lucky I'm naturally beautiful lmao. I grab my towel, bathroom travel bag and clothes before walking into dream's office, he isn't inside but my son is playing on the computer. God he's a cutie but no help to me now, Dream is probs in his room then planning his outfit and scheme to get a New Years kiss lmao.

"You better be dressed" I screech to dream as I knock on the door.

"I am, sort of... trying to pick a shirt" he sighs as I push the door open.

"I'm use your shower, also definitely a button up gotta let the girl see the gun show" I joke, he snickers in reply.

"Wingman much, anyway go wash yo self you stinky gamer girl" he smirks as I walk into the bathroom still looking through his shirts. Luckily the party doesn't start until the like 10 so I just am gonna shower and put comfy clothes on until it gets closer, don't want to wear my experience dress until closer to the actual time.

My shower was longer then I planned but as soon as I was done I got dressed quickly and grabbed my belongings before starting to brush my hair as I walk out.

"DNA test here and now!" I hear a soft cute voice announce, I look over to Dream who was standing with a very short petite woman. By the voice and looks, I believe this is the one and only Fae! Wonder why she wants a DNA test lmao?

"Who the fuck is she? Ya got something to tell me shrek looking idiot? Why is a girl walking out of ya bathroom?" She questions, aw so cute she's jealous of another girl in dreams room.. oh shit she thinks me and Dream... yucky no thanks he's like a brother to me.

"Emma it isn't like that I swear!" Dream defends.

"Girl he is a taken man, don't know what witchcraft you used but shoo cause I ain't given him up that easily!" She is very sassy and I kinda love that, probably should explain who I am.

"Vana please help me, she thinks Rusty is my son" Dream whimpers.

"I'm not sleeping with your boyfriend I swear to god and the adorable blonde kid is my son rusty, Dream isn't the father" I start to explain.

"Omg your Australia! I love you accent! WAIT that doesn't explain why you are here or in his bathroom!" She honestly is adorable and I kinda want to just hug her.

Thinking of you.  (Sapnap x Oc) Where stories live. Discover now