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Growing up she believed in love at first site, that was all she every wanted. Her own mother told her it was the greatest feeling was went you notice that special person for the first time, your heart would skip a beat and you soul would sing out for them but in the 19 years she had been alive she had never felt that. Even though she had a four year old son named Rusty.

Nirvana was a twitch steamer, her streams were from playing games to just Talking about anything. She went by the username Blissful online. She had a decent following especially since she did it on her spare time when she wasn't working or making sure Rusty had the best life he could have.

Her fans didn't know about Rusty and she wanted to keep it that way, well until he was old enough to chose if he wanted that life. It helped that she didn't really have friends since she was born in Australia but came to live in America to get away from her past. It was just her and her son, but she had her two best streamer friends, Aikowo another smaller Streamer and Nihaachu who had a larger following but that didn't mean much to her. Nikki and Aiko had helped her though a lot and were the only two of her streamer friends who knew about Rusty.


32,067 likes | streaming soon, may stab some stuff idk

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| streaming soon, may stab some stuff idk

Aikowo - honey we definitely are gonna stab something :)
Blissful - Aikkkkoooo stab fest?
  Aikowo - Yass pog

User1 - can't wait! Love your streams!
User2 - feeling Tommyinnit vibes here
User1 - she kinda does but other then not being a child and all.

Nihaachu - sad I'll miss the stream x
     Blissful - girl I feel ya xx
      Aikowo - aww Stan this interaction

WilburSoot - Yes commit crime
        Blissful - thank you for the blessing oh might crime man

Nirvana POV

I started to set up stream, Rusty was taking his afternoon nap so I would 2 hours to steam without having to check up on him. I opened discord and messaged Aiko seeing if she was ready to call. Before I call her, I start the stream, saying basic hellos to the chat. When she was ready, she replied and we jumped into a call.

"BLISSYY HELLO" Aiko screams into my headset. I burst into laughter and so does she. This lasts for a couple minutes before we calm down.

"Aiko watcha wanna do today? Bed wars, skyward or wanna just do a hangout stream" I asked and I could see Aiko eyes light up on her face cam like she knew exactly what she wanted to do.

"Blissy hear me out, so I was on YouTube and I saw this compilation of this guy speed running minecraft I think his name was dream or something.." as she speaks I want to facepalm at her stupidity. This girl streams minecraft half the time but hasn't heard of dream.

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