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"The water is so nice!" Lemon laughed out sitting in the shallow end of the public pool. Surprised that the pool is pretty empty right now, but maybe it's because it's the least popular one in our town. Idk but we are lucky!

"My god Rusty looks so cute in his floaties!" Alice awws didn't come as a surprise to any of us.

"Thank you Aunty Alice" He smiles kicking trying to swim, my friend is right my little baby is so cute... I can't believe he is almost five, little does my son know I might of planned a little birthday party for him not in real life but on minecraft since a lot of our friends who adore my little monkey can't actually come to his party but at least he will get to celebrate with the people he looks up too.

"Big man swim to me!" Aiko says smiling, my son takes a while but finally gets the hang of swimming again. He always enjoyed swimming but i am really scared to let him swim without floating devices. I know he can't learn if I don't let him try but Ah I don't want him to get hurt.

"Blissy wanna hear a secret" Lemon laughs a bit.

"Sure.." I am kinda scared, for a good reason... she attacks me with water.

"Hey!" I splash back at her.

"Imagine what the other here must think of us, four hot women and the cutest little boy around" Alice bragged as she pulls Rusty into a tight hug.

"Everyone are definitely Jealous, oh both Rusty and Us" Aiko attacks her girlfriend and my son.

"Group Hug!" Lemon shouted hugging the others, I give in after a death stare or two joining the hug.

"I wish Aunty Niki was here! And Uncle Willy!" Rusty pouts out.

"Okay who told you to say that?" I ask facepalming.

"Mr Big Man!" Rusty excitedly stated.

"Of course" I roll my eyes, I really might need to take away his Tommy privileges.... hmmmmm

"Uncle Wilbur Soot From Soot House" Alice laughs out and the poor four year old is so confused.

"Why is Wilbur your uncle?" Lemon Smiles at Rusty, I think she's a bit jealous since she doesn't get called Aunty like the others.

"He is super cool and he is like Mummy's brother!" He excitedly says starting to swim a bit again.

"Oh god... is Philza your dad?" Lemon laughs a bit.

"So out of the two minecraft youtubers who share a birthday with her one is her boyfriend and the other is her dad... selfish" Aiko can't help but laugh at her own comment.

"Duncan Like yogscast and Aksually like Quackity's friend from like years ago... then un minecraft related.. Justin Bieber, Kesha, Jensen Ackles, Daniella Monet and like Ron Howard" I say, I could go on but I think I'll leave it there.

"Jensen Daddy" Lemon Laughs.

"Wait Daniella isn't that the girl from like the live action fairly Odd Parents?" Aiko asks, we all have a little laugh at that since most would normally talk about Victorious as the talentless but hella sassy older sister but of course Aiko would remember that she play trudy as an adult in the live actions of it lol.

"Do you just have a list memorised of who you share a birthday with?" Alice laughs out.

"Oh Fun Fact I also share a birthday with Nathan Sharp!" I say excited.

"That is?" Lemon questions and the other uncultured girls look confused, Rusty is having too much fun pretending to be a fish to even pay attention.

"He is in the Random Encounters FNAF's Musical with Markiplier" I smile and the others laugh at me a bit.

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