Chapter 24: Amalgamate

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(BDD- God Damn!! Over 90K Reads?!?! I guess you guys really do enjoy this story. Sorry for the really long update, I've just been dealing with life and it just made me unbelievably unmotivated to update any of my story's, and I'm sorry for worrying you guys and keeping you waiting. So here it is, it's not much but it's all I can give you for now.)

Y/n: "*Groan*"

Was all Y/n could say as he held his head. He opened his eyes and saw a ceiling with broken and bent iron tiles. Some spots had no tile at all, loose wires and exposed pipes showing through the empty spaces, being illuminated by a dim green light.

Y/n then observed his surroundings and started to recall where he was. He groaned in annoyance as he said,

Y/n: "Ugh, back here again? Why do I keep coming back here?"

Y/n started to get up, suddenly seeing the large glass machine that he had seen before passing out from the last dream. As he got up, he looked around and saw the broken pieces of the glass tube along with the torn remains of clothing.

He didn't know why he saw what he did the last time but being in the room was starting to creep him out, so he decided to leave.

Walking over the dented metal door, he had entered back into the main room with the colored lights on the door. He walked over to the hallway on the left and followed where it led.

Within the first few steps of the hallway, there was another one of those screens that he had seen back after the broken elevator, he looked at it and it said,

(*Entry Number 6 - "Asgore asked everyone outside the city for monsters that had 'Fallen Down.' Their body's came in today. They're still in comatose... and pretty soon, they'll turn to dust. But... what happens if I inject 'Determination' into them? If their Souls persist after they perish, then... Freedom might be closer than we thought.")

Y/n raised an eyebrow at this and asked himself,

Y/n: "Fallen Down? Is this person talking about falling through the barrier or..."

He thought about the other possibility as he walked further down the hallway to be met with another dark room. But since his eyes had already adjusted to the dark, he could see, if only a little bit.

He saw multiple operating tables coated in dust and what looked like some sort of strange white goo. He was going to inspect them but had gotten distracted as another 'Budeep' had sounded from next to him.

He looked over and saw another screen on the wall, he walked over to it and it read,

(*Entry Number 9 - "things aren't going well. none of the body's have turned to dust so I can't get to the Souls. i told the families that i would give them the dust back for the funerals. people are starting to ask me what's happening. what do i do?")

Y/n: "Hmmm..."

Y/n said as he finished reading the screen, he then heard squelching behind him. He looked back towards the operating table he was looking at earlier, only to see it no longer covered in the strange white liquid. In fact it looked good as new... well mostly.

Y/n went over to it and inspected it with a raised eyebrow. When he had gone back over, he could see fresh residue that was left behind. He then decided to observe the rest of the room, so he walked away from the operating table and to the middle of the room.

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