The boy's nose began to twitch from a fragrance that was indescribable, tickling it.
He opened his eyes and lifted his head to see that he had finally found the ground after the fall. He then looked down and saw that he had landed on a full bed of healthy Golden Flowers.
The boy looked up and saw the hole that he fell through, he noticed that the rain didn't seem to be able to reach the flowers as he saw the rain being stopped by something.
This made him wonder how the flowers were so healthy and how they even had such a Golden color since the rain never gets to them, and although they are in a mountain, they somehow even get sunlight.
The boy picked himself up off of the flowers and looked around, he saw that mounted torches were put into the cave walls which gave him just about enough light in order to see a doorway at the end of a hallway that was in front of him.
He walked down the hallway and he suddenly got the feeling that he was being followed. The boy turned around, but saw nothing but the small bed of Golden Flowers, he then shrugged it off as he continued to walk down the hall, but he couldn't shake the feeling at all.
Once he got close to the doorway, he saw that on the top of it was a crest, it showed a ball with beautiful wings on the top, while underneath of the winged ball was three small triangles.
The first and last triangle pointed up while the second triangle pointed down. He didn't know what it meant, but he had a strange feeling that it was very important. It almost felt... regal.
The boy then walked into the walkway and entered a dark room with only a small patch of grass in the middle of it.
He raised an eyebrow and walked closer to the single patch of grass.
After he took a couple of steps towards the middle of the room, a Golden Flower suddenly sprouted out of the grass, it had a face too, which creeped the boy out.
The flower opened its eyes, looked towards the boy and in a high pitched voice, it said,
???: ¨Howdy, I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower. What's your name?¨
The boy stared at Flowey with such a confused expression as the flower waited impatiently for the question to be answered, until Flowey said in a voice that was not as high,
Flowey: ¨Hey kid, what's the matter with you? Didn't you hear my question?¨
The boy then nodded his head and said,
???:¨Yeah, I heard your question, but I'm just not sure that I should tell my name to a talking flower that has a face. Why do you want to know?¨
Flowey smiled at the boy and said,
Flowey: ¨Why? Well, because I want to be your friend, silly.¨
The boy figured the talking flower would say something like that, but he also wanted to believe Flowey for some reason. Flowey then chuckled to himself and with another smile he said,
Flowey: ¨Well? Are you gonna tell me your name?¨
The boy hesitated, then he realized that he was a flower anyway, so he couldn't do any harm to him.
So with that in mind, he nodded and said,
Y/n: ¨Alright, my name is Y/n, it's nice to meet you...Flowey.¨
Flowey then tilted his head to the side and with a slightly suspectant look and with a smile he said,
Flowey: ¨Why say it like that, Y/n? Don't-cha trust me? I mean, we're all friends down here after all.¨

Undertale Remastered (Undertale x Male Reader)
FanfictionI just want you guys to know that this is my first story on Wattpad, and yes Chara and Frisk are both girls. If you don't like it, then leave. I worked a lot on it and I'm still working on it. This story is actually one of my many stories that I ha...