Chapter 20: The Eating Contest - Part 3

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*Short Timeskip brought to you by Papyrus continuously apologizing to Chibi Y/n as Chibi Frisk and Chibi Chara watch.*

It was now time for the eating contest. Y/n, Frisk, Undyne, Chara, Papyrus and Sans walked to Grillby's, where the eating contest was going to be held at. Once they got there, Y/n saw that there was a very long table sitting outside the restaurant, filled with piles of different foods that would be used for the contest.

Papyrus looked on with happiness as he saw a couple plates of his own dish on the table, Spaghetti (Status: Edible). Papyrus then looked at Sans with a large smile and said,

Papyrus: "Sans! I Can't Believe That Grillby Let Me Help Cater This Event! I'm Practically Bursting with Joy!"

Sans looked at his brother with a smile and said,

Sans: "Hehe, I bet you are Paps. I think that any monster would love to be in your shoes right now."

Papyrus looks confusedly at his brother and said,

Papyrus: "My Shoes? Why Would They Want To Be In Mine? They Would Be Far Too Big For Anyone But Me To Wear!"

Y/n: "It's a figure of speech, Papyrus. When he said that monsters would love to be in your shoes, it means that they would have loved to help cater an event, such as the eating contest."

Papyrus heard this as he nodded his head understandingly until a slight tinking noise had caught everyone's attention, causing everyone to look in the direction of the noise to see Grillby holding a glass cup and a spoon.

A monster then walked next to Grillby. He looked towards the monster and gave them a nod as he sat at another table that sat in front of the longer one with the words, 'Judges Table' in large font was on a cloth that was on the table. On the smaller table there were four name cards, the one on the left had the name, 'Mrs. Storm', the second card had Grillby's name on it while the one next to his had the name, 'Didot' on it. And on the last card, it had the name, 'Fuku' on it. Then the monster began to cite the rules of the eating contest.

Y/n saw the card with Didot's name on it as he raised a brow, leaned over to Frisk and whispered,

Y/n: "Mr. Didot is a judge for the eating contest?"

Frisk looked towards him with a smile and whispered back,

Frisk: "Yeah, Mr. Didot always participates as a judge to these events. I mean, you get a front row seat to the activity."

Chara then floated over to them, seeming to overhear their whispering and said,

Chara: "Yeah, and you get to judge people on what they do and how they do it."

Y/n: "Well, I mean all their gonna be judging is how much food we can eat within a certain time limit. So there really isn't that much to judge."

Y/n responded to Chara's comment as she looked towards him and was about to say something before she was interrupted by the monster that was announcing the rules of the eating contest, as they were now announcing who the judges will be.

Monster: "Alright, the first judge is going to be Mrs. Storm! Umm...where is she anyway?"

The monster then began to slowly panic as they tried to find this, 'Mrs. Storm' until a powerful voice yelled out,

???: "Hold On! I'm Here!"

Everyone looked towards the voice and what they saw was a monster with black fur and dog ears. The new monster was covered in what looked like battle scars, but none of them looked fatal, the monsters eyes were a powerful blue. She was also covered in blue marking, which almost resembled lightning bolts. The armor that the monster wore looked like Undyne's own suit of armor, except her armor was more...mature then Undyne's. She also held a weapon in her hand that looked like a massive battle axe which was black with glowing blue markings. It also gave off a powerful energy as its owner. (BDD- And no, she isn't showing any skin. What I meant was that her hips are wider and her chest is more developed than Undyne's, so the armor would have to fit her shape.)

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