Chapter 18: The Eating Contest - Part 1

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Hey, it's me again. Sorry for the very slow update...didn't mean for it to take this bad. But, We already at 4k reads!! *Sniffle* I think I might cry! Like, What The Fuck!? But Thank you guys so much!! I told you that this was gonna be an up lifting chapter and that's exactly what it's gonna be! So don't worry, smiles and heart warming events will be brought apon this chapter!! Also, sorry for the very slow update...I've just been losing the motivation to write in these stories. But WORRY NOT!!! For I will not abandon these stories, they are just gonna be updated very slowly...unfortunately 😓(sorry)

*1 day Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Chara, Chibi Frisk and Chibi Y/n sitting on the couch, watching Mettaton's game show.*

It was now the next morning in the underground. Sans was on the couch, catching some Z's while the television was on. It was on a cooking show that Papyrus really likes to watch. Y/n walked down the stairs, stretching and yawning as Snowflake yawned along with him while she sat in the hood of his Integrity hoodie.

Once he made it down to the bottom step, he looked towards the couch and saw Sans sleeping, he sighed, remembering the day before, when he told Sans about his story... he then shook his head from side to side to forget the depressing memory. He walked over to him and sat down next to him on the couch.

He looked at the television just as it began to show the title of the program. It said, 'Baking With Muffet!' While the letters were covered in cobwebs and the 'T' in 'Muffet' had a small spider hanging below it.

Y/n raised an eyebrow at this and said,

Y/n: "Muffet? Who's that?"

He then decided to watch the show as did Snowflake as she stood on her hind legs, laying her top half on his head, looking over it to see the Tv as she purred quietly. The camera panned down to a purple skinned woman with six arms and five black eyes. Her hair was styled into two pigtails that were both secured by two red bows. She wore an apron over what looked like a red puffy dress. She smiled at the camera, showing her little fangs and said,

Muffet: "Hello, dearies! Welcome back to my kitchen!"

The camera panned out, still pointing towards Muffet, showing her behind a counter with a stove top, a cutting board and a large knife laying on it. She then clapped her hands and many little spiders crawled along the counter towards her. She then said,

Muffet: "Today, my lovelies, we will be baking a spider cake!"

Y/n: "Spider cake? That...sounds oddly familiar..."

He said as he thought for a second before hearing Muffet say,

Muffet: "Your gonna need the following ingredients, some surface eggs, some surface milk, and of course, some spiders! Ahue hue hue hue!"

(BDD- Now, I know what your thinking, 'If they are in the underground and trapped behind the barrier, then how did Muffet get Surface milk and Surface Eggs? The answer? Well, you'll have to be patient for that, for it will be explained later on!)

Muffet laughed with a slight devilish look on her face, but Y/n didn't pay that much attention to her because he was too focused on the fact that she has spiders as one of the ingredients for the cake.

Y/n: "Who in their right mind would put Spiders in a cake? I mean, I know the name of it is spider cake, but still..."

He then fell silent as he lightly shook his head and looked back towards the Tv.

Muffet then scrunched her face in irritation as she crossed her four top arms over her chest, looking off screen and yelling,

Muffet: "Do I REALLY Have To Mention Him As A Sponsor!? He Makes Me Do This Every Episode!!"

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