Chapter 15: The Apology - Part 1 (Warning! Major Lemon Ahead!)

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(BDD- Ok now, I know what you're thinking, 'Ugh! Not a Lemon! This was such a good story too.' Now before you go to that plus button next to the Read button and take it off your reading list. I'm gonna say this once and only once. If you don't like Lemons, I will make it to which there will be bolded text saying, ('Lemon Start') at the beginning and, ('Lemon Stop') at the end of it. So you can skip to the second bolded phrase when ever one starts... ok? Ok. Let's begin!)


Outside in Snowdin Town

It was the next day within the Underground as Frisk was running through Snowdin to find Y/n, who hadn't returned the previous day after the... incident. She asked the citizens around the little town if they had seen him run anywhere. Almost everyone had either said, 'No' or 'Who's Y/n?'.

This made Frisk begin to worry for her friend as she asked some of the other citizens of Snowdin of Y/n's whereabouts. (BDD- yes that is how you spell it. It looks weird I know.)

She has gotten the same two answers with another couple of monsters that she asked, which made her worry even more for her friend. She then saw a familiar armless monster by the Christmas tree that stood in the center of the town.

A smile reappeared on her face as she ran to Monster Kid and said,

Frisk: "Hey, Monster Kid."

Monster Kid was slightly startled by her sudden appearance, but quickly relaxed when he turned around and saw that it was only Frisk, who was flashing her signature smile towards him. He smiled back and said,

Monster Kid: "Yo, Frisk! Good morning! ...I think. Anyway! What do you need? Did you wanna play with me today?"

Frisk opened her mouth to tell him the real reason why she was there, but was interrupted by Monster Kid when he said,

Monster Kid: "*Gasp* Or maybe you're here to talk about how Undyne had walking into your house and is staying there!? Yo! Your so lucky!"

A drop of sweat had rolled down her forehead as she shook her head, denying his predictions. Monster Kid then said,

Monster Kid: "Oh, Then what's up, yo?"

Frisk then asked Monster Kid,

Frisk: "Well, I was wondering if you have seen Y/n around Snowdin yesterday morning."

Monster Kid: "Y/n? Oh! You mean that other human right?"

Frisk nodded her head at his question and he continued,

Monster Kid: "Yeah. I saw him running towards Claire's shop."

Frisk was relieved that Monster Kid had told her Y/n's whereabouts, but then Monster Kid asked,

Monster Kid: "But he was covering his nose and his face was all red. What happened to him anyway, Yo?"

Frisks face then began to turn red as she recalled the...incident that had happened the other day when Y/n had seen both her bare breast and her exposed panties when she was in the midst of changing.

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