The Execution

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So this one is just about if Tommy and Techno switched places in the execution.

Nobodies POV

Tommy didn't plan to be found.

He didnt plan to be taken.

He deffinitly didn't plan for his execution.

He didn't think Tubbo expected to find Tommy.

He didn't think Tubbo would execute him.

He really didn't expect anything but a normal day.

Tommy's POV

Honestly? I really didn't want to see Tubbo. He had been a bother and I don't think he wanted to see me either.

So when he showed up to Techno's house with Quackity, Fundy, and Ranboo I inwardly cursed.

I had been outside tending to the bees when I heard voices. I thought it was Techno and Phil coming home. I was wrong.

I dove behind the bee cage just as they broke through the forest. They all had armour and weapons. They looked ready for murder.

They spread out around the house. I thought I could get into the downstairs area and into my room without getting caught.

I was wrong again.

"Hey! You!" Fundy yelled running after me

I managed to slip into the house before meeting face to face with Tubbo.

"...Tommy?" Tubbo asked

"Uh hi?" I responded

Perhaps I should have handed him a bouquet of roses or a bag of sweets. Maybe a new pet bee.

"I thought you were dead!" He yelled

"What?" I asked puzzled

"Was that tower a joke?! Did you think I'd laugh at it?!" He screamed

Rage over took him and he grabbed my wrists.

"Hey hey hey big man calm down." I said

Perhaps I should have said something different. Perhaps I should have explained myself.

He cuffed my hands.

"Uh Tubb-."

"Shut up Tommy! God your so annoying!" He screamed

"Wait whe-." I tried

"I said shut up!" He turned around and smacked me

He was enraged. I don't think I ever saw him this mad. The other three looked surprised and a little guilty.

"Hey Tubbo uh maybe be a little ni-." Ranboo tried to reason

"You can shut up to Ranboo. Nobody wants your opinion." Tubbo spat

"Tubbo!" Fundy protested

"No Fundy zip it!" He roared

I shut my mouth not wanting to know what happens if I opened it.

I was shoved into a boat and we started the trek back to the mainlands.

As we approached the shores the boat below me was destroyed. I was dunked into the ice water.

I was yanked up out of the water. The grip on my wrist was sure to leave a bruise. The hand that yanked nearly popped my shoulder out of place.

I coughed and sputtered the water out of my lungs. The ice water slipped out of my lips leaving my throat and mouth burning.

"Oh stop being dramatic." Tubbo spat

I was drug to a area with chairs. There was a big tower type thing with a lever on the side.

"Tommy...?" Someone said

I looked over to see Phil standing on his deck.

"Help." I managed to croak out

"Tommy! What the hell are you doing Tubbo?!" Phil yelled fear evident

"You watched us build this Phil. You know what is it." Tubbo said voice laced with venom

I was pushed into a small area surrounded by iron bars. I looked up and saw wood. What could be up there?

Phil watched in horror.

"Tommy!" Phil yelled

My ears were waterlogged. I could barely here.

"Tommy please! My son!" He desperately tried

"Big Q pull the lever." Tubbo said watching me

Quackity stood frozen. He didn't move a muscule.

"Full the fucking lever Big Q!" Tubbo screamed

I realised what was up there. An anvil. I bent over shaking the bars.

"Tubbo! Please I'm sorry! Please!" I yelled

"Shut up Tommy!" He yelled back

"Please Tubbo. Were best friends! Memories! Think of the bench! L'manburg! Please!" I desperately pleaded

"Shut up! I don't care! You betrayed my trust!" He yelled

"God dammit Quackity! If you can't pull it I will!" Tubbo yelled storming up to the lever

He shoved Quackity out of the way. Fundy caught him and stumbled back. They watched frozen in horror.

Phil screamed as the lever was flicked up. Something clicked and a weight hit my back. I fell to the floor.

My body seered in pain. It traveled up through my back and down my legs.

I became numb as people ran to my side. I heard someone laughing. Someone crying. Someone yelling. To much noise.


The noise disappeared and was replaced with a silent black void.


Your daily dose of angst and death. Woo

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