Rib Cages and Extra Meat

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Tubbo and Tommy both get drugged during a dinner party and a big twist is at the end. I have based this loosely off a show I love called Hannibal.

TW: Drugging, cannibalism, and language

Nobody's POV

Tommy and Tubbo agreed to stay together while the new years celebration commenced.

They both were in tight black jeans and button up tops. Both incredibly umcomfrotable but Phil glared at them when they complained.

He wanted them to look nice.

They both had snatched a virgin bloody Mary from the serving table before Phil noticed. They both were sat on the back step watching the snow fall.

"I can not wait to get back home." Tubbo complained

"I know this is torture." Tommy added

"These pants are to tight and the shirt is choking me." Tubbo complained

"You need to look nice or they'll think your a hobo!" Tommy mocked in Phil's voice

Tubbo snorted at the horrid impression.

"You sound so stupid." Tubbo laughed

"Shut up dick head." Tommy shot back

They both talked as they sipped the tasty drinks.

"Aren't you too supposed to be at the party?" A man asked

"And who the fuck are you?" Tommy asked still annoyed at the gathering

"I'm Dream. The host?" He said

"Oh. Well hello 'sir'." Tommy mocked

"That's rude." Dream said simply

"This party sucks ass anyways. We don't want to be here. Our dad made us." Tubbo explained

"Ah. Who's your dad?" Dream asked

"Philza Minecraft." Tommy said the words sour on his tongue

"Mm. Defined man he is." Dream said thoughtfully

"Although I'll have to have a talk with him." Dream said

"About?" Tubbo asked

"Nothing concerning you." Dream said

He walked behind the two and slipped a fruit flavored pill into each drink before sitting next to Tubbo.

He put his own glass of wine to his lips swirling it around and smelling the sweet aroma.

He watched smugly as the two took drinks from there own glasses. Tubbo yawned as he sighed.

"So how old are you too?" Dream asked

"Were both 17." Tommy said

"Not old enough to drink eh?" He said gesturing towards the drinks

"Hm? Oh no these are non achoholic." Tubbo said taking another gulp

"Yeah Phil would kill us if we ever drank or got hurt." Tommy said laughing slightly

"He'd kill you?" Dream asked gears turning

"Um yeah. Are you deaf?" Tommy said

Tubbo giggled as they both finished the glasses.

"You two are offly rude." Dream frowned

"Yeah well fuck you were teenagers." Tommy yawned

"Why don't you two go to sleep? I'll bring you guys somewhere safe." Dream said voice soothing

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