Snow Hearts

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This one is kinda sad and is the allium duo.

There breaths turned into fog as they walked during the snowy night. The fluffy flurries fell to the ground collecting into a mass of white.

A laugh escaped Tommy's lips as he reached down and scooped up snow. He balled it in his hands and threw it towards the taller boy.

Ranboo ducked as it flew past his head and into a snow bank. He pushed Tommy on the shoulder and the boy flew forwards landing on his face in the snow.

"What the fu-" Tommy tried to speak before it was muffled by the snow

Ranboo burst out laughing maroon scarf lifting as his smile went up. He leaned down to pull Tommy back up before being yanked down beside the boy.

They both lay on there backs arms spread wide like starfish.

"I fucking hate you." Tommy said into the night air

"I know." Ranboo said turning his head

He watched the blond boy sigh as his smile fell into a frown.

"I don't want this night to end." Tommy mumbled

"By the way I don't actually hate you." Tommy said

Ranboo turned an eyebrow raised.

"I know? It's your way of love." Ranboo said shuffling to face Tommy

Tommy looked away before standing up.

"You ok man?" Ranboo asked concern glimmering in his eyes

"...yea, I'm fine." Tommy said dryly

Ranboo stood up and brushed himself off sending the excess snow to the ground.

He reached down and scooped a handful of snow before shaping it into a ball and chucking it at Tommy's back.

It exploded on impact and made Tommy lurch forward.

A laugh burst from his cold lips as he turned to face the tall man.

"You wanna go?" He said eyes igniting with childish hints

Ranboo is response swept down and scooped a sloppy snowball before chucking it at Tommy. He managed to dodge and fell to the ground scooping his own snow.

Making a messy snowball he threw it at Ranboo who was leaning down to make more ammo. Ranboo looked up only to get nailed in the face with the snow.

He stumbled slightly and finished shaping his sphere before throwing it to Tommy.

Tommy ducked easily before noticing a second missile coming towards him. It hit his shoulder as he yelped and slipped on the snow.

He fell down on his back and groaned. Sticking his hand up he mumbled a weak, "I surrender."

Ranboo laughed loudly as he enjoyed his victory. Walking over to the blond boy, he was watchful to not fall and end up like Tommy.

He stopped infront of the younger and reached a hand out to pull him up. Tommy obliged and connected their hands before standing and brushing himself off.

"Well, we should probably get home. It is getting late and my mom might start to worry." Ranboo said sighing

Tommy's face instantly fell as he attempted to keep the light in his eyes.

"...yea, ok sure." He said voice breaking slightly

Ranboo and him began walking back to the street when Tommy suddenly gasped a smile once again invading his face.

"We should make snow hearts!" He said excitement painted on his face

"Snow hearts?" Ranboo asked confused

"Yea! Like we both start at the tip and make out way to the top and curve in to create a heart. Like we each make a half." He explained

Ranboo smiled at the boy and nodded. They found a clean patch if snow and set up.

"OK, aaaannd...start walking." Tommy instructed

The two both walked and met in the middle. Stepping back from the snow, was a lopsided heart.

The two burst out laughing before setting out to find another patch of snow.

Trying again, they did the process over and created a more equal heart.

"Once more then we gotta go home." Ranboo said

Again at the mention of leaving Tommy's smile faltered.

"OK, deal." He whispered

Ranboo stared at him for a moment before shrugging and  standing next to him. Once again they took off and created a heart.

This time, it looked as cimetrical as a snow heart could be. Smiling they both began the walk home.

Before Ranboo left Tommy's house, the young boy was surprised at the hug thrust opon him.

"Goodnight...and bye." Tommy mumbled voice soft and muffled from the coat

Ranboo hugged back quickly,and gave him a head pat making the boy reel back in disgust.

Ranboo laughed once more before turning and waving to the boy on the street.

The memory of Tommy's last moments with him were seared into his brain, never to be forgotten.

Days later

Ranboo walked in the chilly frigid air towards the park he was once at.

It had snowed inches more in the past five days. As he made his way past the shut off fountain and snow covered benches he had an idea.

Walking towards the spot from before, he stopped and took a deep breath. Hot salty tears clouded his eyes as he began walking.

Creating the curves and lines of the shape, he stopped as if waiting for Tommy to finish the heart. When no footsteps were made he continued to meet the other end.

Stepping back, sobs now racking his body he made a split second decision. Walking forwards once again he made a jagged line.

He stepped back finally satisfied. He attempted to control his breathing as he made his way to Wilbur who was waving at him from the funeral.

The suicide of his friend had destroyed him but he had to be there for the funeral. He may have needed Tommy but his friends needed him at the moment.

Pedestrians pov (Ooooo limited edition)

Hurrying home she hauled the paper bags in her hands. Olivia's two kids at home were waiting and hopefully not causing havoc in their dad's hands.

Deciding to cut across the park instead of around it she trudged through the thick snow.

Almost to the other street she saw a shape that caught her eye. Making her way towards it she frowned.

A broken heart was indented in the snow.

Man, kids have some weird ways of dealing with a breakup. All we did was cut pictures and key cars.

Kids these days.

Well whoever it was I hope she's ok.

Not thinking of it again she walked off to her home not realising a teenage boy had committed suicide and that snow heart had great meaning.

Something she would never understand. And if she saw those same hearts appear in the same spot everytime it snowed she never questioned it.

Assuming it was a broken heart not managing to let someone go she ignored it. Not realising it was a broken heart yes, but for a beloved friend.

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