Big Trouble

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I kind of just thought this one up on the spot lol.

Tw heavy drinking and smoking strong language

Tubbos POV

We should not have come to this party.

I lost Tommy already and I know he'd been drinking. Last time I saw him some random dudes from school were tricking him into drinking beer.

I had seen him walking around and snatching shot glasses off of the tables. I don't even know who they belonged to.

I don't even know what was in them.

What I do know however was we needed to get the fuck out of here before someone gets hurt.

I pushed my way through the crowd to find some girl all over Tommy and he had a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other.

He looked like he was gonna throw up or pass out.

The worst part is none of the kids here are of age. Some of the seniors threw the party to celebrate graduation.

They invited the whole school.

I shook my head and walked over to Tommy and pushed the girl away. She looked drunk anyway.

I pulled the cigarette out of his hands and stomped on it and I pulled the beer out and set it under the chair he was sitting on.

"Tommy you are in so much trouble." I whisper yelled

"Harry P-Potter...? I-is that you-you?" He slurred

"Uh no Tommy its Tubbo." I said flatly

"I-I can on-only leave wi-with H-Harry!" He said lazily pushing me

I sighed before helping him up and walking. He stumbled most the time while mumbling about how trunk people should have the right to marry who they want.

I don't even want to know how he came up with that.

I managed to get out the door only to see a few people passed out in the lawn. I also am pretty sure I can see cop lights.

Better run.

I pulled Tommy into the neighbors yard and pulled him behind the house. He groaned and went on about some guy named Bill Cipher.

The three cop cars pulled up just as I went around the corner. Shit.

How am I supposed to explain to my parents of why Tommy's drunk and possibly high.

They would go insane and never let me be friends with Tommy again. I think its better to go to Phil's.

I sighed as I gathered what little courage I had and walked while dragging Tommy to his house.

It was a bit of a struggle crossing the road and getting him to walk on the sidewalk.

He struggled a little with actually standing. It was honestly getting annoying and he was being a huge hassle.

I couldn't call anyone because I was to busy with Tommy. He wouldn't stand and was currently laying on the sidewalk.

"Hey there is your friend OK?" A woman asked

"Oh uh yeah were fine." I said

One glance and knew she was a substance abuser. I held my pocket knife in my jacket and tried to keep a straight face.

"Well here at least let me help carry him." She said

She reached down to grab him and I opened the knife and flashed her with the blade.

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