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"Do you want to wear your red or violet scarf today?" My mother asked, pulling at my already tight hair.

As a part of the girls, we each had a 'color' no one really discussed it, or asked for a switch, we all just stuck with one. I got stuck with dark purple. Not even light purple. Ruby had pink, Diana had blue, and etc. I liked purple, but having to only wear it everyday to school, with a scratchy scarf didn't make it seem that appealing, but I had to humor my mother.

"The purple one." I gave her a warm smile. All my mother ever wanted was for me to be a lady, find a rich lad, and settle down with kids, just like her.

But what if I don't want that? I would rather travel all of Europe, see countless plays and possibly live in town. Who said anything about marriage anyways? Also, kids annoy me. I don't have the patience for them. I know I don't because I have a younger brother who's almost 6, and it was our first day of school.

We had been at Charlottetown this past week for his appointments so it was time I came back too. I suppose it wasn't so bad. We only missed a day, but a day is plenty of time for my mother.

"Alright. Off to school so you aren't late. We'll be here when you get back." She air-kissed both of my cheeks and went to check on Henri. I smiled standing there, then circled the room, until I stood behind the piano.

She's gone. I signed with my hands. Henri had meningitis when he was 3 and had been deaf ever since. I still love him for who he is, and I wasn't ashamed to be called his sister like others might think. All I wanted was for Henri to be happy, despite how much he can annoy me.

A small boy with messy light brown hair stood up in his pajamas. Why can't I just keep doing school here? Real school will be a challenge.

I had trouble comprehending the last word and asked him to spell it.

C-H-A-L-L-E-N-G-E; hard or difficult to do.

Got it, I'll remember that one.

New things are always a challenge, but we'll get through it together.

He smiled, but still looked a bit unsure. I got his attention again.

I'll try to convince mother one more time, asking if you can stay, but I'm not making any promises.

Henri laughed at this and thanked me by putting 4 of his fingers on his chin and tilting his hand out towards me.

Mother didn't budge. "It's about time he starts making friends. He's been couped up here long enough."

I sighed. "And how is he supposed to do that if he can't even talk? Face it mother, this school won't be a good fit for him and you know it. The teachers are qualified, but none of them in signing!" I exclaimed.

"Enough of this! You both will go to school now, and I won't hear any talking back!" She shouted, adjusting Henri hat. She found him eventually, and had to dress him herself just to get him out the door.

I gave him a sorrowful look, and signed the whole thing out to him. He looked down and nodded slowly.

The trip to school wasn't too long, but we did have to walk half-way through the woods. I looked at the leaves crunching below my feet, when suddenly I felt Henri's small fingers tugging at my coat sleeve.

I glanced down at him, and followed his pointing finger to see two figures standing in the woods, they were out of earshot, but I could make them out faintly.

One was tall, wearing all brown, and it took me a second to realize it was Billy Andrews. A shudder ran through me. Billy and I never liked eachother. Big surprise there. I was just as opinionated as he was, mainly about gender equality. When I had nearly won a debate in front of the class when we were both 13, Billy fired back with the only insult he could think of. Making fun of others.

"Of course you have no idea how strong men can be. Your brother can't pluck up enough courage to ask to go to the bathroom. I don't get why you don't call him 'silent.' It's not like he'll hear it."

He almost went home with a broken nose that day.

It's been a full summer since I've had to see his disgusting face, but I guess we're getting an early preview. I don't recognize the girl though. Red hair, no one in our class had that.

Should we bother? It isn't our trouble. Henri signed, and I looked from him, to the girl. She looked about my age, but her face had a terrified expression.

If it's Billy, he always means trouble. Stay right next to me, and don't look at him. Understand?

Henri nodded quickly and kept his gaze down as we made our way over to the two.

"Billy." I say loudly, a few yards away from where they were. "Why don't you run along with your baseballs and do something else useless."

A smirk grew across Billy's face as he noticed us. "Oh hey Harley." He said smoothly. "Wow, you got hot over the summer."

I was ready to slap him, but Henri's hand was holding my right one tightly, reminding me he was there. He was doing it on purpose.

"Billy go to school. Leave the girl be."

"I don't take orders form you." He fired back. "What do you think you're a man or something?" He stepped closer towards my face, and I felt Henri inch behind me more. If I stumbled back, Billy would've seen it as a sign of fear, and I couldn't show that. "Oh wait... you probably do."

I couldn't control it anymore. I pulled my hand free of Henri's grasp and raised my hand to Billy's face when, something else caught my wrist just in time.

"Hey guys..." The voice said calmly, as if I were a bomb he had to hold carefully. "Let's all calm down a bit, eh?"

I recognized the voice immediately, it was Gilbert Blythe's.

Yours truly, Gilbert | 𝐆𝐈𝐋𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐄Where stories live. Discover now