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I turned and pushed Gilbert's chest back. Even through his clothes I could faintly feel his strong muscles. I shook the thought out of my head. "Stop doing that." I snapped, walking back towards my seat. But Gilbert's arm brushed against mine and his hand gently met my elbow, silently asking me to wait.

"Harley— wait... are you alright?" He asked softly, keeping his eyes on me.

I kept my gaze down and body turned towards my desk. I didn't know what kind of answer Gilbert was looking for. Why did he care in the first place? No one else did. Just then, I remembered the rule Josie made, and shifted my body away. "I will be, once you let me go."

And he did, like always.

I slid back into my chair, focusing closely on the wood in front of me instead of Josie's cold eyes.

Time to write my reaction to my pen-pal. Who, by mistake, happens to be a boy. I told myself: don't think too much like last time, just write.

We are the only one's who got the opposite gender as their pen-pals right? I'm just making sure I wasn't hearing Mr. Philipps say things he didn't actually say. Anyways, I don't think I've actually had a civil conversation with a boy outside my family. We've always been told to play nicely with girls, and let the boys torment us. It's messed up, right?
I hope you stay hydrated as well, and P.S. your handwriting is nice.

Your... handwriting is nice? I resaid the phrase in my head. It sounded stupid, but I couldn't erase it. So, I hoped this boy sees it's a compliment and not a way of flirting. Just a kind way of giving someone a nice remark non-romantically about the way he writes his words.

That's all.


"I'll send the notes from your pen-pals to you, and you will read this last one. Hurry and get it over with so we can get on with mathematics."

So he passed different notes out this time. In a specific order to where he had a pattern of giving the note to the right person. I was sure if he was paying enough attention, he would notice his mistake with a boy and girl, but I didn't care. I told this person what I would tell anyone, no matter what gender. And now I was going to see their answer.

To answer your question: It's Shakespeare. "Ms. I'm so good at reading I remember quotes from famous plays." I was a little shocked I got a "Ms." to begin with, but I really don't mind as long as it's alright with you. Now you have to tell me more about yourself, because I guessed correctly, and did not cheat.
~Your Male Pen Pal

I could feel my cheeks redden. Whoever this was, sure was charming with words. He didn't mind having a girl as a pen-pal and he guessed the writer correctly. It was Shakespeare.

Once again, unable to contain myself. I scanned the boys for any sign of nervousness or doubt. And saw nothing. If they were unsure about having me for a partner they didn't show it.

"You will reply to your pen-pal tomorrow morning. But now let's get back to work. Everyone, put the notes away, now."

But I wanted to keep reading the letter again and again. I never thought one of the boys in our class could have such a way with words as this one. It simply consumed my thoughts.

Who could this be?


School was over by now, and kids were grabbing their hats and things. I made sure I counted my two pen-pal notes laying carefully in my basket, under my slate.

"Harley?" A meek voice asked. My eyes immediately shot up. I felt as if I'd been caught doing something I shouldn't be doing. Mostly everyone shoved the notes in their pockets and didn't think twice, but I kept glancing over at mine, smiling softly as I resaid the words in my head.

Ruby stood in front of me, with her hands behind her back. "To say sorry for being rude earlier, I was wondering if you'd like to... sleepover at my house. I'm not sure the day, but maybe sometime soon? My parents are allowing it, if yours are. I just... well I felt terrible when Josie said those things about Henri."

My eyes were trained on my basket, and we took a few steps outside, feeling the afternoon sun hit our faces.

If it was anyone else I would've simply said "Thank you, but you really don't have to." But.. this was Ruby.

I never had anything against her like I did Josie. She was always there in the background. Plus, I didn't want to hurt her feelings. So I sighed and looked up to meet her eyes. "That sounds splendid Ruby, thank you for inviting me."

She nodded excitedly and skipped off to walk home with her other friends.

Time to go get Henri. I arrived and saw Henri walking towards me, a blank expression across his face.

How was school? I asked excitedly.

He smiled. My translator helps me. She signs me the teacher's words.

I nodded and took his hand, we walked back towards the house together. He was getting very exceptional at learning new words and their meanings, faster than I am.

It gave me a warmth sense of pride for him.

As we were on our way down the hill, a figure jogged over to us. We both turned to see Gilbert coming. I sighed.

"This pen-pal activity is really fun." He stated, almost out of breath.

I hid the blush growing my cheeks by looking down at my basket. Everytime sometimes brought it up to me, I was nervous they would find out about our mistake and switch me with someone else.

I didn't say anything for a few long seconds, and we only heard the sound of the leaves crunching below us. Suddenly I asked, "Do any of the boys like reading?"

Gilbert raised his eyebrow at my suddenly question, but looked back towards the forest to think about it. "Well... most like sports and such, but I think there's a few who do like to read."

I squinted my eyes shut. "Wait— Don't tell me who they are. It ruins the mystery."

Gilbert gave me another amused look and glanced back down at his shoes, with a faint smile on his lips. "Okay."

"Stop— stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"You know! All smirking and stuff, laughing at things that aren't funny." I accused, shaking my head while looking at the sky.

I didn't catch his reaction because we turned and I realized we were only about a quarter of a mile away from my home. Why had Gilbert followed us so far?

"Gilbert you're far from your home." I mumbled colder than I meant, looking down at my basket. I know what my mother's exact reaction would be if she saw me walking with a boy. She would already be planning our wedding.

Seeing as there aren't a lot lining up to marry me, according to her.

"You.. You should head back." I didn't need to see his face to know he was looking at me with a questioning look. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I asked, slightly glancing up, to make sure he didn't look too hurt.

He nodded slowly, but his mood dropped a bit. "I'll see you..."

And then he turned around, back in the direction we were walking from, and I could faintly start to see the figure of my house.

Yours truly, Gilbert | 𝐆𝐈𝐋𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐄Where stories live. Discover now