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"But Mother, if you don't let me sleepover at Ruby's, she'll think I hate her which I don't!" I pleaded tiredly. It was true. Ruby would hate me forever if I stood her up and I didn't want another enemy. Winter break was quickly approaching and Ruby invited me this afternoon. "She's reaching out to me despite all I've done, and you're pushing her away!"

Mother opened her mouth to say more, when she paused. "Wait— What have you done?"

"Nothing." I mumbled, which I knew she didn't believe. "Just please let me go this one night! It's for academic purposes too!"

I've never been to a sleepover before, and it would be really nice to see a friend, or potential friend as of right now.

"I don't see the point in those things, you can see her tomorrow." She waved her hand as if she were shooing the ignorant topic away from her. "What's the point in staying in someone's house overnight?"

"Because it's fun!" I looked over at my motionless father, sitting there with his newspaper. "Father, please?"

He didn't look up from his paper, and sighed. "If it's for academic purposes, and you're doing schoolwork. I don't see the problem."

I jumped up and clapped my hands, and finally, Mother reluctantly nodded, telling me to get my things together if I wanted to make it there by tonight.

As I was packing my bag, something told me to bring the letters from my boy partner. I wasn't sure why, but... it felt comforting to know I had a piece of a friend there with me. I wasn't going in alone. I placed them nicely next to a dress for the morning and my nightgown.

When I stood by the front door with my small handbag, Henri walked up to me.

I'll see you tomorrow? He signed.

Yes, I'll be back early enough to help you with writing.

He nodded and I leaned down to kissed him on the cheek.

"Goodbye Mother!" I shouted in the door frame.

I heard her heels click towards me. "Come home as early as you can. No funny business, or I will be talking to her mother." She said sternly, but she pulled me into a warm hug.

So, I made my way towards Ruby's house and was thankful not to be interrupted by Billy, Gilbert, or anyone really.

I knocked on the thick black door and was greeted by Mrs. Gillis. "Good afternoon dear, Ruby is waiting upstairs." She held a crying baby in her arms. Her hair was black, almost the opposite of Ruby's. Despite how preoccupied she seemed, she still managed to send me a warm, comforting smile.

This was a good start.

"Thank you." I held my hat in my hands, and slowly trekked up the wood stairs. Once I reached Ruby's room, I wasn't ready for the amount of pink. She had pink walls, pink chairs, and pink toys. Despite the headache it gave me, I sort of liked it, because at least it had character. "Hi Ruby!" I greeted with a wave.

She gave a short smile and sat properly on the floor, with two teacups by her feet. "Please take a seat, Harley."

And so I did, awkwardly. Ruby asked if I'd like some tea, and I took a sip out of politeness. It was so sweet, I almost gagged. She put the cup down and looked at my straight in the eye. "Harley, I have to ask you something."

I nodded and put my cup down too, I was nervous she was going to ask if I liked the drink or not, I wasn't ready to lie, but the tea and I just weren't working out.

She had a stern look and spoke with a same tone. "Do you like Gilbert Blythe?"

I spit my tea out all over her face.

Yours truly, Gilbert | 𝐆𝐈𝐋𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐄Where stories live. Discover now