The rest of class before lunch were some of the longest minutes of my life. Josie went back to her work, acting perfectly as if nothing was wrong. And left me shaken in my seat.
Finally, after what felt like years, Mr. Philipps said, "Okay, now what you've all been waiting for." He walked down the aisles of desks, passing out small square-shaped pieces of paper. "You're going to write a note to your pen-pal telling them two truths and one lie. They have to write back guessing which one of the three sentences is the lie, and then we'll move on." He stated in a monotone voice.
My mood brightened a bit, but not much. Gilbert sat across the walkway from me, and one seat up. He glanced over his shoulder with a concerned expression and mouthed, Are you okay?
I didn't know what else to do besides look back at my desk, ignoring him. Looks like I'd have to take that rule seriously now.
When I got my blank paper, I looked at it for about a minute. I wasn't sure what to write. The past two times, as soon as I got the parchment, I would start scribbling words immediately.
I decided I should at least try because he was probably trying too.
I had fruit for breakfast this morning.
The town is my favorite place to go to relax.
My favorite colour is red.The second one was a lie. The lake is my favorite place to go, but I decided to tell him my real favorite color because it wasn't like I could tell anyone else. Everyone thought it was dark purple.
Before thinking or stopping myself, I wrote the next part. I just had to know more about him.
P.S. I know this may be a lot to ask, but could we talk somewhere? Outside of class. I don't mean face-to-face because we'd be punished for cheating, but I mean... could we leave notes under the school doormat or something?
Then Mr. Philipps walked by, picking up notes without looking at them, and handed out different ones. I doubt he even read them at all, probably not caring what we had to say. I took mine quickly and it felt weird to know someone who I may or may not know, was reading my letter, asking if we could talk more.
Dear Female Pen-pal,
here's a list of things that could be true or false, you'll find out which one's right tomorrow, when we can write back.
Summer is my favorite season.
I enjoy classical music, and
Traveling is one of my favorite things to do.
Good luck guessing those, I'm sure yours will be harder, but that was all I could think of.
-Your Male Pen-palI smiled at the way he used male and female, as a joke to show we weren't supposed to have eachother, and weren't afraid to show it, but now it's amusing how Mr. Philipps still hasn't caught on.
I thought about his answers. He does seem like the type of person who would enjoy classical music, and summer is a nice season. But as I thought about it more. I really had no idea. We were all taking wild guesses unless we already had a clue who our partner was, and I still had no idea.
Harley walked in this morning in her lacy white dress with purple sleeves as usual, but this time over her right arm was what appeared to be a thick cloth for protection.
I hope it didn't bother her too much. It was sort of my fault I didn't get to her fast enough, and I really hope she doesn't hate me for it.
She stood next to Anne with a big smile and their friends crowded around them both, voice overlapping.
I turned back towards my desk and tried to hide my smile, but I was happy to know Harley was okay.
When I got her down from the Gillis' house, I remember quickly kissing the top of her head. Now looking back, I felt stupid. What was the point anyways?
I doubt she even remembers.
I tried getting her attention by faintly waving, but she didn't look up. I kept looking over.
Was she mad at me? Did I do something?
When I peeked over my shoulder again, Josie Pye was staring daggers at her and mumbling something in her ear with a sinister grin. Harley looked as if she just saw a ghost.
Suddenly her eyes shot up and met mine. They were tired, scared, and all I wanted to do was help her. But I couldn't. Something about this didn't feel right at all.
I mouthed Are you okay? And if she showed any sign of 'no,' I swear I would've ran up right then and there to comfort her. I didn't know why I hated seeing her in pain so much.
But she didn't, she just looked back at her wooden desk, unable to meet my gaze.
Mr. Philipps passed the notes out for our pen-pals, and I zoomed through mine. I still wasn't sure who this mystery girl was, but she sure was opinionated alright. I wondered if she was friends with or knew Harley.
Well it couldn't have been Anne, she hasn't lived in Avonlea her whole life, and it couldn't have been Ruby because she stated she's been coming to school here since she was a child. Ruby only started coming to school a few years ago. And I knew it wasn't Josie because... well just because.
I realized I really didn't know as much about the girls as I thought.
I had fruit for breakfast this morning,
The town is my favorite place to go to relax,
My favorite colour is red.No girls in our class wore red I believe. Just shades of blue, pink, yellow, green, and dark purple. Harley again.
Why would she always come across my mind? I could be doing the simplest things, and still think of her.
Whenever I thought of peace, I pictured running my hands through her hair, seeing her bright smile, along with her dark comforting eyes. And when I was stressed, I wanted nothing more than to be in her arms.
It pained me to see her hurt, and everytime someone mentioned her name, I'd get this warm feeling in my stomach.
I don't know the exact moment I started getting romantic feelings for her, but had to have been around 7th grade for me.
Oh, how could I have forgotten? She was my first kiss.
I took out one of my own sheets of paper and tore off a corner.
Is it the last one? I don't know any girls in our class that like red.
I couldn't contain it. The feeling was too addicting it made me dizzy. I had to tell someone my feelings.
I couldn't tell the boys, my dad, and definitely not Harley. Not yet. I had the perfect idea. I trusted my pen-pal, whoever she was. I'd tell her I loved a girl, but not include her name. So before leaving my seat, I scribbled it down quickly.
Maybe the heart was too much, but I couldn't erase it. Oh well.
Once school was over, everyone quickly left except for Prissy. I did a double-take to make sure no one was watching, and then quickly slipped the note underneath the doormat on the school porch. I saw Harley and jogged after her.

Yours truly, Gilbert | 𝐆𝐈𝐋𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐄
Fanfiction❝ isn't it romantical, how we fell in love twice? ❞ [ gilbert x my fem!oc ] [ completed || 11/19/23 #1 rubygillis 1/23/22 #1 dianabarry 5/17/22 #1 lucasjadezumann 6/22/22