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I saw Billy's smirk fall and his face was inches from mine. I whirled around and saw Gilbert there too, but his expression was concerned, not happy. "Harley?"

"Let go of me Gilbert." I shoved his hand off, and he did. I straightened my hair and shot a glare towards Billy, before picking up my basket, and locking my arm with Henri's.

"Hey Gilbert." Billy muttered, looking at nothing but his shoes. "I didn't know you'd be... you'd be back."

"Yeah it's good to be back." He nodded and looked from Billy to me with questions. "I see you guys are playing a game or something but we should probably get to school, eh?"

I practically scoffed at his words. A game? That's what my mother would describe it as, if I told her about it. I could hear her words now. Oh he's just picking on you because he likes you. Just picturing it made my cheeks heat up with anger.

I glanced over at the red-head girl. She looked just as concerned as Gilbert, but I was glad to see her appearing less frightened. "Are you going to school?"

She nodded quickly.

"You can walk with me."

As soon as Billy was out of earshot and the red-head was walking by Henri, I hit Gilbert's arm with mine. But not too rough. He did get Billy to stop bothering us, but he kept me from getting the satisfied feeling of hitting him.

"Ow!" Gilbert laughed, gripping his arm with a smile. It made me want to hit him more.

"What was that Gilbert! I had him right there and you stopped me." I snapped, leaning towards him.

He tried to hide his smile, but failed. "What, you were gonna beat up Billy Andrews on your first day back at school? Seems exactly like something you would do."

"Yeah, because he's an arse." I mumbled quietly, but Gilbert heard and laughed through his nose.

"You must excuse Harley and her foul language. She was raised right but her use of the words are simply a part of her personality." Gilbert said towards the red-head.

"You must know me so well, Gilbert." I said sarcastically.

He ignored her. "Speaking of bad manners, Harley invited you to walk with us, and doesn't even know your name! Would you mind telling us?" He asked this towards the girl, but his eyes were on mine.

I rolled mine, and turned my head towards the girl. "There isn't us. You're just walking with me. But Gilbert's bored and probably won't stop nagging for the whole trip to school."

The girl gave a short smile. "My name is Anne. Anne... Shirley. The name Harley really is enjoyable to say off the tongue. Harley." Anne said dreamily, looking at the sky.

I looked at Gilbert with a questioning look, who shrugged. So I smiled, I liked her dreamy state. "Well Anne, as you already heard, that's Gilbert. This is my little brother Henri."

Anne waved at him and he waved back, happy to be apart of this conversation.

"Harley and Henri. Oh that's so gratifying to say." She smiled and mouthed it to herself.

"Anyways.." I continued. "Gilbert, you stepping in was unnecessary when I could do it fine all on my own. Billy deserved—"

He interrupted her. "No, Billy would've ran home crying having proof you hit him. His mother would be furious and who would get kicked out of school?"

I stared at him for a second, then huffed. "You certainly know a lot about these people."

"It's just common knowledge when you've lived here your whole life."

Yours truly, Gilbert | 𝐆𝐈𝐋𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐄Where stories live. Discover now